Monday, March 7, 2011


A big MAHALO to Bill for the sunshade which he personally made, installed and contributed to KTC on Court #4. Very generous of you Bill and very much appreciated.

For those who so generously contributed to our recent collection for Kapiolani Tennis Courts, a big mahalo. We collected a total of $117, which when put together with the funds we had on hand, now gives us a total of $222.71. This will be used to purchase supplies and equipment for the courts, such as rollers, nets, etc., and miscellaneous parts which Keith needs to upkeep the equipment. I don't think most people realize how much time Keith invests on our behalf on our equipment and a lot of time he won't accept payment for parts he purchases. A big MAHALO to Keith for his tireless work on our behalf keeping up with all our equipment repairs.

Sunshade/Collection  日除けと募金
  4番Court に付ける日除けを自分で作成、設置してくれた親切な Bill にとても
  KPTCの募金に協力していただいた皆さまに「有難う」を申し上げます。 合計$117
  の募金があり、手許にある残額と合わせると$222.71になります。 roller,net などの court
  に必要な器具と Keith がそれらを維持するのに支出します。 Keith が器具購入に
  されている Keith に大いに謝意を表しましょう。
                             投稿 Pauline


  1. We appreciate it, Keith and Bill.

  2. Pauline: Thanks for your report and compliment
    on Bill and Keith. I translated your report
    into Japanese as you see on the blog. Many
    Japanese enjoy playing at KPTC. It is, I think,
    a privilege, not a right, and all of them should appreciate your report. Yoshi

  3. Thank you Yoshi for the translation. Hope you are okay. We are so worried about all our Japanese friends.
