Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pictures & Videos of the Lantern Lighting Ceremony May 30 at Ala Moana Park

Ruth brought Malasadas!!

Ruth and Esther
Ben loves Malasada(^_^)
By Chizuko's iPhone



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We are best friend : Chizuko & Sachi

Peter can be best partner of coffee Allen pretty soon.

We are Japanese weekend trio; Toshi, Nori, Kei.

How can I comment? コメントの書き方。

Everybody can see and make a comment on this blog. だれでもコメントを見ることも書くこともできます。

This morning someone asked me " I want to post my comment to the blog but I don't know how to do that."
Everybody see "Comment" below each article.
More Leave "comment", comments, more fun!!

1. Click comment It islocated below the article
2. Write your comment in the box.
3. If you have no Google Account, leave your name(if you want)
4. Choose " comment as"---Anonymous
(5. click Preview, check any mistake)
6. Click Post comment
7. You can read "Your comment was published"

Hiro~ Can you translate in Japanese? I think many Japanese will make more comments.

1. 記事の下方にある、”コメント”を押してください。
2. 枠の中にコメントをお書きください。
3. グーグルアカウントをお持ちでなければお名前を書いてください。
4." comment as"の選択肢のところで---Anonymousを選択してください。
5. ”Preview”を押してください。ミスがないか確認してください。
6. ”Post comment”を押してください。
7. 完成

グーグルアカウントをお持ちの方、Followers, 投稿者の方は自動的に名前が表示されるので、Anonymousを選択する必要はありません。

Monday, May 30, 2011

Ben, Thanks for the anniversary post

He's back!!!

Hiro is back home.

By Chizuko's iPhone

Today is Ed & Diana's Wedding Anniversary, Congratulation !!!

They had a wedding anniversary breakfast at the Kahala hotel.

From Charles

The City Parks & Recreation Department is proposing the installation of 240 parking meters costing $1.00 per hour 24/7 in virtually all the remaining free parking areas adjacent to Kapiolani Park, includeing all of Paki Ave., Diamond Head Tennis Center and possibly Kaimana Beach.

The City Council is having a hearing this Friday, June 3, for a final vote on this proposal.  The most effective way of influe3ncing the outcome is to call 768-3813 to put your name on a list to testify before the Council about your feelings.  (When you call, they will tell you what time on Friday the bill will be opened for discussion and testimony.)  The Council meets at Honolulu Hale, 530 S. King St., 3rd Floor., Honolulu, 96813.

If you are working on Friday, you can still make a difference.  Email or write to the above address your concerns to all the City Council members.  Theeir names and email addresse3s are:
Chairman Nestor Garcia, ngaarcia@honolulu.gov.
Ikaika Anderson, ikaika.anderson@hawaii.rr.com
Tulsi Gabbard, tgabbard@honolulu.gov.
Ann Kobayashi, akobayashi@honolulu.gov.
Ernie Martin, emartin@honolulu.gov.
Tom Berg, tberg@honolulu.gov.
Romy Cachola, rcachola@honolulu.gov.
Breen Harimoto, bharimoto@honolulu.gov.
Stanley Chang, schang1@honolulu.gov.

You should also email Parks & Recreation Director Mr. Gerry Cabato at gcabato@honolulu.gov., or write to him at Gerry Cabato, Kapolei Hale, 1000 Uluohia Street, Suite 309, Kapolei 96707.

Ben needs a handicap sticker for his car parking near KPTC.

Yoshi-san said, " You could get it for your back-hand handicap."

Hiro-san also returned from Japan, Aloha!!

Yoshi-san came back his Waikiki home from Japan. Aloha!

Urologist John come back again from Sacramento.


相手のロブが短めに上がってきました。ボールが落ちて来るまでに時間があるので Hiro は、このボールどう打ってやろうかと考えながら距離を測っています。スマッシュでいきなり打つかグランドスマッシュで決めようかと思いながらこの後2,3歩前に出てスマッシュを決めました。

Happy man Charlie between two ladies.

Shirley is more 20 years old friend of Charlie.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hawaii 1945


いい表情の3人組が歩いて来たので早速カメラを向けました。Fumiko と Asami は、テニスをするぞとそして Fumiko の息子は、サーフィンに行くんだと3人共スポーツ大好き健康そのものの表情をしています。それぞれ楽しんで出来るスポーツの趣味があるのでいい表情なんですね!!



Charlie Oh.


Saturday, May 28, 2011



All weekend players and Supporter together.

from left : Jamie, John, Khal,  Katie, Louise, Charlie, Rich, Doi, Ruth.

Kei & Nori are only KPTC weekend player.

Kei Tagata is vice president of Hawaii Hochi news paper and Nori Kanaizumi is editor.
They work together Monday through Friday.

John & his wife Katie back to the court again from New Zealand yesterday night Big Aloha !!

Good to see you again Rich !!!

Rich came back from Moore(south of Oklahoma City).
Rich is best tennis partner of Oklahoma John, he can stay here until July 1st.

Friday, May 27, 2011



Allen, Monica, Esther, Chizuko.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fwd: translation-5/26

Here comes my favorite ball
  The opponent returned a ball to the point that Reiko could hit
  her favorite shot.  With adequate distance between the ball and
  her body, her left arm well drawn backward and the right arm leading
  the hitting position, she was about to hit the ball with drive
  to crosswise direction. Yuriko was standing in the middle since
  she knew Reiko was going to hit her favorite shot. The ball went
  deep into crossing place and earned a point.
To Ben cc Hiro
  I, Yoshi, will be back to Honolulu 5/27 Friday and probably be at
  the court 5/30 Monday.  Let's talk if we should continue the
  translation from Japanese to English.     Yoshi  

Fwd: translation-5/26

Now 40-15
  With a fine shot the pair of Fumiko and Candy scored 40-15
  and Fumiko was confirming the score as she was handing
  the balls over to Candy for servicing.  You can have a better
  game if you continue to confirm the current situation with
  your partner.


Allen Kagawa.

Ben is back

Ben had bad flu for a while and he recovered. He did good play today.
Ben, Ellie, Doi
by Chizuko's iPhone

きた きた!!

Reiko 得意のショットが打てる位置に相手のリターンボールが返ってきました。充分ボールとの間合いを取りしっかりラケットを引き右手でボールの位置関係をリードしドライブの効いたボールをクロス方向に打とうとしています。 Yuriko は、Reiko が得意のショットを打つことが分かっているので中間位置で安心して待っています。打たれたボールは、クロスに深く入りポイントになりました。
Here comes my favorite ball
The opponent returned a ball to the point that Reiko could hit
her favorite shot. With adequate distance between the ball and
her body, her left arm well drawn backward and the right arm leading
the hitting position, she was about to hit the ball with drive
to crosswise direction. Yuriko was standing in the middle since
she knew Reiko was going to hit her favorite shot. The ball went
deep into crossing place and earned a point.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011



Happy Birthday(May 25)Tom !!!