Saturday, April 30, 2011

First lesson


Jimmy のファースト・サーブが相手のバック・ハンド 思ったところに打たれこのコースなら厳しいリターンは、難しいだろうと Sachiko もボレーが出来る中間位置で待っています。ファースト・サーブは、コースを狙って打つことでリターン・ボールの対応がうまく二人で思ったように出来ます。イメージ通りにサーブが打たれると前衛で守っていても安心です。
Service going into as aimed
Jimmy's first service went into the opponent's backhand side as aimed
and with that service his partner, Sachiko, expected an easy return ball
for her to volley it back, standing at middle position. A strong service makes
his/her partner positioning secure.

Fwd: translation-4/30

Warming up
  4 players started to hit slow before getting into play.
  In warming up you should ascertain where your ball went to
  and whether you can hit equally well by forehand and backhand
  and hit strong and weak alternatively.

Fwd: こんばんは



Grotesque trees.

Friday, April 29, 2011

I will go to Japan for 1 month.

I could not post the photos at KPTC that much. So please post some photos and articles by mail.


My new shoes(^。^)



Knee Pain / Knee Injuries

Knee pain can be related to overuse or gradual onset, or acute / sudden onset. With gradual onset small stresses are repeated a large number of times without allowing adequate recovery, for example running too much too soon, or excessive jumping.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The view from Boyle's condo

Ozzie, Sandy and their daughter in law Jennifer


Warming up
4 players started to hit slow before getting into play.
In warming up you should ascertain where your ball went to
and whether you can hit equally well by forehand and backhand
and hit strong and weak alternatively.

Big Aloha Vibery(from left 3rd) !! she is a visitor from Pheonix AZ for one week vacation,

Two tall man Bob & Steve bacame brothers because of KPTC even though live difference place.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fwd: translation-4/28

Ready for the returned ball
  Hiro's forehand hit went deep into the center and he moved forward
  anticipating the ball coming back good for volleying. His partner, Candy,
  was standing at middle position ready to hit back wherever the ball comes to.
  With this attacking positioning, the opponents have no way to hit back strong.
  As Hiro aimed, the ball came to the his forehand side that gave him easy
  volley for a point.

Nice smile(^。^)


Pauline & Joyce VS Lyman & Barbara.

Spokane WA Bob came back to the courts again. Aloha Bob!!


Hiro がフォアハンドでセンター深くにリターンし前に詰めてきました。相手のリターンボールをボレーで取るよという雰囲気でラケットを構えています。Candy は、攻めているのでどこでも対応するよと中間位置で構えています。こんな風に強く攻め込む姿勢を見せることで相手の返球が甘くなります。Hiro の狙い通りフォア側に返球されたボールをボレーで決めました。
Ready for the returned ball
Hiro's forehand hit went deep into the center and he moved forward
anticipating the ball coming back good for volleying. His partner, Candy,
was standing at middle position ready to hit back wherever the ball comes to.
With this attacking positioning, the opponents have no way to hit back strong.
As Hiro aimed, the ball came to the his forehand side that gave him easy
volley for a point.

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Megu and Curtis: Megu ordered yamucha to her friend.

Steve and Rika

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Charles News

Gov't not to adopt daylight saving time due to high costs, confusion

TOKYO, April 26, Kyodo
The government decided not to introduce daylight saving time as a way to address the expected electricity shortage this summer, amid worries about the huge costs involved and social confusion, sources close to the matter said Tuesday.
With the nuclear crisis at the radiation-leaking Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant ongoing, the government has been considering implementing such arrangements nationwide as part of energy saving measures during summer when electricity consumption tends to rise due to the use of air conditioners.
The sources said, however, the government is now seeing the plan as unrealistic because it will cost a huge amount of money to set clocks ahead for all computers and production machinery in Japan, and could create confusion in society.

Fwd: translation-4/27

Many early birds
  Yuriko, who came to the court a little after 6:30a.m., was surprised
  to see three earlier birds ready to play and quickly tied her shoe-strings
  for play start.  Pauline, one of the earlier birds, was telling Yuriko
  she did not have to rush to tie them. Many palyers at KPTC are early birds.


Yuriko が6時30分過ぎコートにやって来ました。もう人数が揃っているので「こんなに早起きしてきたのに」と驚いています。早速ゲームが出来るのでしっかりシューズの紐を結びゲームの準備をしています。Pauline は、4人揃ったのでユックリ準備してもいいよとベンチでリラックスして待っています。カピオラニ・コートのプレーヤーは、本当に早起きなんです。
Many early birds
Yuriko, who came to the court a little after 6:30a.m., was surprised
to see three earlier birds ready to play and quickly tied her shoe-strings
for play start. Pauline, one of the earlier birds, was telling Yuriko
she did not have to rush to tie them. Many palyers at KPTC are early birds.

Hojo(center) from Chiba in Japan

Monday, April 25, 2011

Doi カットボールを打つ

Doi がチョッピリ前目に守っていると丁度打ちごろの短めのボールがリターンされてきました。ここは、得意のカットボールを打つしかないじゃないかと言う表情でラケットをボールに対しカット方向にスイングし飛んでいったボールを決まるだろうと言う表情で見ています。Masako も Doi の得意なショットなので決まったなと言う表情で眺めています。相手のコートで小さく弾み決まりました。

Fwd: [Tennis in Hawaii. The Successful Aging in Hawaii. ハワイのテニス仲間. 成功したハワイでの老後] New comment on 睨みを利かすモミの木.

Ozzie has left a new comment on your post "睨みを利かすモミの木":

There is a place on Waikiki that most often during the months of January, February, and March has been known as the happiest place on earth. It's a place where old friends and locals meet up each year after having spent the other months of the year at their homes, but come together during the winter months in Waikiki to celebrate being together, getting social, learning a new culture and to play tennis. I'm talking about the tennis courts in Kapiolani Park.
The locals and visitors even have special descriptive names. Coffee Ben, boston Charlie, Tall Steve, Korean Ben, while the hailes struggle to learn the Japanese names. But learn them they do because it's important.

Posted by Ozzie to Tennis in Hawaii. The Successful Aging in Hawaii. ハワイのテニス仲間. 成功したハワイでの老後 at April 25, 2011 4:37 AM

He is a silent hero, too.

He always picks trashes around KPTC during his jugging.. We appreciate it.
BANGKOK (AP) -- Rising oil prices and anticipation that China might tighten monetary policy yet again to combat inflation kept Asian stock markets in check on Monday.
Oil prices rose to near $113 a barrel after Libyan rebels in control of key oil producing areas in the OPEC nation said they won't produce crude for at least a month as they repair fields damaged in fighting. In currencies, the dollar was up against the yen but lower against the euro.

Fwd: translation-4/25

Towering fir-tree
  The towering fir-tree that stands in the center of KPTC looks down
  equally all four courts. This tree symbolizes KPTC by standing in the
  center. Looking up toward the top of this tree while at play gives you
  ease to you mind.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


カピオアラニ・コート中央にそびえるモミの木が4面のコートを均等に眺め睨みを利かしています。このモミの木が中央にあることでテニスコートの存在感が一層 増しますね。ベンチで待っている時,ゲーム中 時々見上げてこの木を見ると落ち着くんですね。皆で大事にして行きたいですね。
Towering fir-tree
  The towering fir-tree that stands in the center of KPTC looks down
  equally all four courts. This tree symbolizes KPTC by standing in the
  center. Looking up toward the top of this tree while at play gives you
  ease to you mind.


The Resurrection of Jesus is, for the Christian, the essential key for understanding just about everything not only specifically " religious " matters. The Easter event announces that death and all the ways of death have been defeated. Jesus took death into the tomb, He was raised to life and so deaths grip on the world has been broken.

John's Cafe at PS in CA

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Ozzie がこれからサーブを打とうとしています。Sandy が自然体で待っています。こんな風に公園の芝生グランドからコートを覗くと熱戦が繰り広げられているんですね。広いグランドとその一角にあるテニスコート バランスがいいですね。Ozzie の強いサーブがセンターに打たれリターンボールが Sandy のフォア側に打たれ Sandy がボレーで決めました。
Ozzie is ready to serve
  Ozzie is ready to serve and his partner, Sandy, is standing
  with ease. Ozzie's strong service ball goes right close to the
  center line, which gave Sandy an easy volley to get a point.

From Keith

    23 April 2011  
           Kapiolani Park Tennis – Care & Maintenance of Roller Squeegees
I suspect that all of us have at some time put our foot on the frame of a roller squeegee to aid in getting pressure on the roller; and/or, started rolling a court with the circular pattern.  Both these procedures are not conducive to the long life of the roller.
The photo below shows what happens when too much downward force is put on a roller. In addition to breaking the plastic tube with excessive pressure, the aluminum frame can get misaligned. The latter and heavy pressure on the roller increases the wear on the cap end bearing surface and since the cap ends are plastic this occurs regularly.
When a frame becomes misaligned the short spindle/axles no longer have a uniform wearing surface with the cap end. (see the photo below).
Using the roller in a circular pattern causes one end of the roller to rotate at a different rate than the other. Thus, particularly at the roller ends, stress is put on the adhesive that holds the PVA (the absorbent) on the plastic tub. (Automobile rear axles have a differential that prevents such stress on the tires)
Since the roller squeegees and their spare parts are purchased from funds collected from the Kapiolani Park Tennis patrons, any way we add to the rollers longevity is a monetary saving.

Recommendation: Keep feet off the roller squeegee!!!

The plastic tube that the PVA is attached to with adhesive is not made to be very sturdy. The end cap which fits in the plastic tube is also of a plastic material. The end cap is only 5/8” wide and acts as the sole bearing surface for any pressure applied to the roller.
The short spindle/axle shown below is the part which transmits any pressure on the roller frame/handle to the rolling parts.
TennisRoller SqueegeeKapiolani (1) copy.jpg

Older model frames came with a rod that was attached at ends of the roller frame; this acted as an axle, but the bearing surface was all where the cap ends were located. 
All types of roller frames use the cap ends and it is important the there be only minimal end play in the roller because the cap must always be snug in the tube to prevent damage.
Thank You !!

Ruth and Yoko Kawai

Friday, April 22, 2011

Jiroさん ニコニコ

Jiroさん と Jamie のツーショット Jiroさんいい笑顔ですね。美味しい食べ物一杯食べお腹も満足そしてこんな風に楽しい時間が流れ幸せ一杯の雰囲気が流れています。二人ともすごくリラックスした表情で楽しい会話が続いていますね。
Smiling Jiro-san
  Look at Jiro-san with all smiles being in photo with Jamie.
 Stomach full with delicious foods, they are having a very happy
  time and joyful conversation.


Nobu and Jimmy

Ben and Kawai

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I will go to Japan for 1 month.

I could not post the photos at KPTC that much. So please post some photos and articles by mail.


From Charles

Some would consign the Tokyo utility embroiled in Japan's worst-ever nuclear plant disaster to the corporate graveyard.
Its share price has collapsed by 80 percent, regaining control of the leaking reactors may take a year or more and compensation claims could run to an eye-watering $120 billion.
Yet Tokyo Electric Power Co. will probably survive and the company better known as TEPCO might even prosper. Plenty of companies have emerged from past major disasters - even self-inflicted ones.
Just think back a year to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, one of the world's biggest environmental calamities.
The share price of the culprit, BP PLC, has largely recovered since the April 20, 2010 explosion, which spilled more than 200 million gallons of crude oil in the four months it took to cap the burst Deepwater Horizon well a mile (1.6 kilometers) beneath the sea.
Despite an estimated $40.9 billion in costs from the disaster, the energy giant is forging ahead with new ventures and seeking to explore again in the Gulf of Mexico, after a moratorium on deep-water drilling was lifted in October.
TEPCO's path to recovery looks somewhat less certain, but analysts say the position the company holds make the government likely to do what's necessary to keep the company afloat - even if in a new guise. For one, TEPCO is the main source of power for the Tokyo region - home to 30 million people and a heartland of Japanese manufacturing.
"Government support will be forthcoming because TEPCO is really too big to fail," said Thomas Grieder, analyst for Asia-Pacific energy at IHS Global Insight.
That's not to say the utility won't end up paying in some form for the radiation leaks and other disruptions from its Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant that was wrecked by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that are estimated to have killed 27,500 people.
"For TEPCO, this is obviously going to have a very long lasting financial impact, and also hurt its reputation as a leading electricity generator," Grieder said.
Investors dumped


日の出間近 太陽の光がダイヤモンド・ヘッドからワイキキにかけて散らばる雲をオレンジに染め素敵なグラデーション模様を見せてくれています。こんな風に見上げるとグラデーションの空と椰子の木のシルエットが素敵な絵を見せてくれます。何も考えないでカメラを構え写真を撮ってしまう素敵な風景です。
Sunrise makes the sky beautiful
  The light of the sun before its rise dyes the cloud orange-color
  spreading from Diamond Head to Waikiki area with wonderful gradation.
  You can view a picturesque silhouette of coconut trees and the sky.
  You are tempted to take a photo of this view. 

Charles O. playing Golf.

I ride my bicycle beside Ala Wai golf course to go to KPCT every day. On Monday morning around 6:30AM, I happened to see him playing golf there. He plays golf on weekdays and tennis on weekend.