Monday, August 31, 2009

From Ozzie

Aloha Hiro,

We will be at the courts on September 23rd. The BLOG is wonderful.

I will send some pictures from the US Open next week.


Keith, we need you. No roof.

There are no roofs at court #3 and #4. Charles has money, so we need your skill.

YUTAKA 9月5日からプレー開始


Sunday, August 30, 2009



aloha from east selkirk manitoba canada...cannot wait till jan 7/10

wayne ternes

Opposition wins landslide in Japan election

(phto:left representative Democratic Party Hatoyama Yukio)

TOKYO – Japan's ruling party conceded a crushing defeat Sunday after 54 years of nearly unbroken rule as voters were poised to hand the opposition a landslide victory in nationwide elections, driven by economic anxiety and a powerful desire for change.

The left-of-center Democratic Party of Japan was set to win 300 or more of the 480 seats in the lower house of parliament, ousting the Liberal Democrats, who have governed Japan for all but 11 months since 1955, according to exit polls by all major Japanese TV networks.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


車からサーフボードを担いで芝生の上まで運んで来てやおらボードケースのジッパーを開けサーフボードを取り出しました。繁々とサーフボードと海の波かげん 空の晴れ具合等々眺めていました。芝生の上でサーフボードに乗るのかなと思っていましたがそんなことはありませんでした。この後彼は、ボードを裏返しボードにワックスを塗り始めました。ここにボードを運んだのは、ワックスを塗るためでした。ハワイでも芝生でサーフィンはできないですよね!!

Diana made her second career HOLE- IN- ONE yesterday.

Email from ED is...

NO not me, Diana did it again.
We played the Alister Mackenzie course at Haggin Oaks this afternoon and on the 122 yd 3rd hole, she made her second career hole- in -one.
Not only did she ace that hole but she beat me by 3 strokes.

I am disgusted.


We are now making a poster of the Blog. We need your help.

Please put your ideas in comment below.

Tennis in Kapiolani Park BLOG

BLOG address :

It is a lot of works for us to keep and maintain this BLOG, we need more new contributors and commentators. Anybody can become a contributor, who can post comments, articles and pictures.

Ask : Hiro (, Korean Ben (, Ozzie (, Yutaka, Joe, Reiko.

This BLOG started in 2008 and now more than 1000 articles are on it. Most of Kapiolani Park tennis players enjoy looking at this BLOG. This BLOG is updated everyday with funny pictures and stories by many contributors. Not only local players but also visitors from the USA mainland, Japan, Canada, South America, Asia and Europe, love this Kapiolani Park tennis court BLOG. After you go back to your hometown, you can click it and know what’s happening at the Kapiolani Park tennis courts.

However it might be necessary for all of us to keep posting photos, articles and comments on the Blog. PLEASE share them, so the Blog will be more active and informative.

You can write down about your hobby, hometown, interests, favorite restaurants, favorite music, favorite books, your BLOGS, your job, your sons, daughters, mother, father, family, friends and so on. By doing this, we will know each other much better.


Friday, August 28, 2009


盛況のNo2コート・ベンチにシニアーが勢揃い Dickが久しぶりにコートに現れたので各コートでプレーしていたメンバーがDickに声をかけに集まってきて賑やかの過ごした後92歳のDickに続けと89歳,88歳のメンバーが集まりベンチに腰掛けてゲーム観戦しているところです。カピオラニコートは、老いも若きも元気溌溂毎日楽しんでいい汗をかいています。

Best Dad

Nice Joe. Tom gave him this T-shirt. He is the really best Dad for his daughters.

from Michiko in Germany

ヒロ さん



Thursday, August 27, 2009


動物園のフェンスを利用した ART 展示販売が土曜日曜朝9時過ぎからあります。この展示販売は、1953年に始まり半世紀が過ぎました。土曜日曜テニスコートから帰り道カピオラニ公園バス停の方に歩いて行きバス停の向かい側動物園フェンスに掛けられている芸術家の絵を眺めながらのんびり歩きます。色々な視点から見たものが絵になって売り物として飾られています。90年頃にダイヤモンドヘッドが描かれた絵を買ったことがあります。

Welcome back to KP, Pauline.

She visited to UK from July to August. She has just come back to HI.

50th birthday Foothill college, CA

Somebody gave this T-shirt to Susan.

From Boston Charles

In a medical advance inspired by recessionary thinking, researchers from the Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City announced last month that they’ve developed an effective and supremely cheap treatment for chronic tennis elbow. Huddling a while back to brainstorm about inexpensive methods for combating the injury, the scientists glanced around their offices and noticed a homely, low-tech rubber bar, about 8 inches long, which, at the time, was being used for general physical therapy programs. The researchers wondered whether the ribbed, pliable bars, available for less than $20, might be re-purposed to treat tennis elbow. The answer, it soon become clear, was a resounding yes.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Everybody is enjoying.

Hiro Chang Charley Doi Tom and Sachiko




Tall Charles

Tall Charles comes here early morning and goes back home early, too. Today he went to gym.



Joe and Koba-san

Koba-san will back to Japan next Monday. Only more 3days to meet them.

KP news(3) : Nori made eagle at West Loch GC #9 hole yesterday.

KP news(2) : Chizuko will visit Seattle for 10 days from tomorrow

KP news(1) : Joyce, Pauline, Kumiko came back to KP

Joyce from Maui, Pauline from Europe tour, Kumiko from Japan

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


青い空 ほのかな風 「何と言う絶好のテニス日和なんだ」と呟いてしまうようないい景色といい天候に恵まれてテニスができるなんてすごく幸せです。日本だとこんな日は、時々しか訪れませんがここカピオラニコートほとんど毎日がこんな素晴らしいテニス日和なのです。こんな環境で毎日テニスができれば滅茶苦茶うまくなるなんてことはないか!!

Joe's Art

Nice Picture. I like it.
We appreciate your beautiful photos.

More photos are below:

Waiting For HIRO to Return to Waikiki

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DUKE'S 119th Birthday

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Kapiolani Park Gets Cleaned Up

Hundreds of volunteers joined Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann last weekend to clean up Kapiolani Park.

Volunteers were out bright and early, picking up trash and repainting fences and parking lots. The mayor's cabinet cleanup is held every August. Joining the lineup this year, was the UH Wahine basketball team and its new coach Dana Takahara-Dias, who used to head the City Parks Department.

Monday, August 24, 2009



John H. and Chang


ワイキキからカピオラニ公園ジョギングロードをのんびり歩いてくるとダイヤモンドヘッドの眺めに重なりテニスコートが見えてきます。この位置まで来るとプレーヤーの姿が見え隠れし誰が早起き鳥か分かって来ます。いつものように Charles,Tom の姿が見えてくるのが普通ですが今日は、どうでしょう。コートが見えてもう直ぐとなると歩く足が少し速くなるのは、テニスプレーヤーの習性でしょうね。

May I join you ? From 8/27th

When I saw this blog; Tennis in Kapiolani Park, I was so impressed that I decided to go to Hawaii immedeatiy.
I'm Kazu living in Toyama Japan, in my late 50th.
I'm gonna stay for 5days in Waikiki. If you see me please let me play in your team.
I'm looking forward to playing tennis in Kapiolani Park.
      KAZU     Toyama Japan

Sunday, August 23, 2009

これからアツイ ゲーム開始


KP tennis club

Tom has a KP tennis club T-shirt, which was made in 1980's.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


ハワイ・テニスルール 復習


Friday, August 21, 2009

Many people today

Recently it was very quiet in KP tennis court. But today, many players were waiting for playing game.

Charles, Koba, Joe, Ruth, Alan, Tom, Esther were sitting on the bench.

John, Chang, Korean Ben and Long hair Ben were playing.

Daniel from LA, CA

He is a very good tennis player. He plays 3 or 4 times per week in CA.
He was born in Vietnam and came to USA in 1970's. He manages alarm system company at LA area.

He comes to HI every year except last year. His sister lives in HI.

To Doi: Come on and talk with him in Vietnamese.

Joe & Kobayasi defeated Esther & Daniel team score 6:3

テニスコート利用ルール 復習

テニスコートの入り口にテニスコート利用ルールが掲示されています。テニスをする目的以外(スケートボード,自転車,乳母車,ペットを遊ばす)にコートを利用しない。テニスシューズを履いて利用すること。 プレーしている人達がいるときコートサイドのベンチで待ちましょう。プレーは、基本的に45分で交替しましょう。★45分となっていますが1セット交替で行いましょう。 日本人だけでゲームをするでもなくラリーをして 15分位打ってしばらく休憩 そのとき終わったので すかと聞くと「後30分残っています」そして又休憩 声をかけると「後45分まで5分あります」と応答する 日本人グループがいますが皆で楽しく使えるように45分にこだわらないで皆を仲間に入れてゲームを楽しみましょう。2人,3人でテニスに来たときは、ベンチで待っている人達を入れて4人でダブルスゲームを楽しみましょう。 コートが空いていないときは、コートサイドのベンチに座って順番を待ちましょう。テニスを始めて間がない方やあまり自信がない方は、「ビギナー」だと言うとペアをうまく決めてくれます。 ハワイで楽しいテニスをロコの人達と一緒にしましょう!!

Admission day

Today is a state holiday in HI. As Hawaii prepares to honor its 50th birthday as a state, final preparations are underway for the official Statehood Conference to be held on Friday, August 21st.

Thursday, August 20, 2009




Steve's Son, Brian Shin

He was #2 tennis player in HI when he was a high school student.

TO: Steve
Please make more explanation about him in the Comment below.

Chizuko and Korean Ben

I played 4 games today.

I played with John, Esther, Sachiko, Koba-san, Danny, Older Jerry, and coffee Alan today. I need more rehabilitation because of no tennis in Japan.

To Ann:
Koba-san wants to meet you. So Come here to meet him and Akemi.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Welcome back,Hiro!

Everybody- smile,smile,smile!
He will be able to play it a lot from tomorrow.