Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fwd: Translation by Yoshi-san - 2/17

Inflation is the key word of this year.
Rise of food stuff price
On Feb.15 World Bank reported that the overall index of food stuff rose up as much as
15% during the quarter ending January due to (1) wheat price doubling in a half year period
(2) 73% rise of corn price and rice price going up as well. In his telephone press conference
President Zoellick made it clear that the index was nearing to the risky level and said that
about 44 million people are being put into poverty level anew, which G20 should take up.
And he urged an immediate tackling policy to be discussed at G20 which starts this 18th.
World Bank lists up as the cause the increase of demand due to higher living standard in
developing countries, unfavorable weather in producing countries and export restriction
in some countries. As remedies it advocates abolition of export restriction and investment
for farm products increase.


  1. 年後半、インフレ抑制のための利上げが先進国でも始まると思います。どこの国がまず、利上げするか見物です。日本は最後でしょう。と言うことは円安になるということです。

  2. 今のうちにドルに替えておいた方がいいかも?

  3. Never Forget the this key. Next year, you will be understood.

  4. アメリカの中央銀行に当たる、FRB=連邦準備制度理事会は、ことしのGDP=国内総生産の伸び率を上方修正する一方で、雇用は依然、低迷するという見方を理由に、追加的な金融緩和の政策を継続すると決めていたことが分かりました。
