Sunday, June 30, 2013

Aloha, Ichiro and Reiko

What a good looking couple.  They're fine players and very nice people from Sapporo, Japan. They are always smiling...even while they're beating you to a pulp.  They will return home on July 4.



Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pauline invites you to an oil painting exhibit July 1~19.  Please join us at a reception.

  Where : Honolulu Hale(City Hall)
  When  : July 2(Tuesday) 5~7 PM
   Free parking in Municipal lot off Alapai or Beretania.


Kahl ゆったりとベンチでゲームの進行を眺めながらリラックスしています。Reiko と Yoshindo 進行中のゲームと関係なく色々な情報交換に熱心な会話を進めています。コート上では、熱戦が展開され激しくプレーヤーが動き回っています。自然体でゲームを待つベンチこれもテニスですね。

Friday, June 28, 2013

Our Funny Friend

When it gets boring, our good friend, Nobu, is always there to make us laugh. Here he is having fun with two tennis balls. We hope Nobu and his wife, Take, are doing well in Japan. Take care you two.   And, keep having fun.  :) 


最初にゲームをしていたメンバーがゲームを終わり引き上げようとしています。待っていた Keith ゲームに入る準備をしています。 Pauline は、引き上げるプレーヤー Suku と何か情報交換中 Susan いいタイミングでコートに到着で前のグループに声をかけています。さてこれから次のプレーヤー達で熱戦が始まります。

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Vegen (ozzie;s son in law) wth his daughter (Amira) strolling the beach in Canon Beach, OR.

A castle in Cape Arch, OR.

Ozzie and Sandy watch the Pirates beat the Mariners.

Safeco field in Seattle



Pauline invites you to an oil painting exhibit July 1~19. Please join us at a reception.

   Where : Honolulu Hale (City Hall)
    When  : July 2(Tuesday) 5~7 PM
     Free parking in Municipal Lot off Alapai or Beretania. 




Wednesday, June 26, 2013


長いラリーを続け最後のショット深いボールがきわどくラインを割りポイントを取れなかったのでチョッピリ残念と思いながらレシーブ位置に Yuriko 足を運んで行きます。次のポイントに備えて新しく気落ちを入れ替えて自分のポジションに移動することで新たなポイントに繋がります。

                 Esther with Reiko & Ichiro.

Harry YoonさんがJessie Baldwinさんの写真にタグ付けされました。 — 場所: ソウル特別市
いいね! ·  · 8時間前 · 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Elder Statesmen

Meet Charlie and Charlie. Neither play tennis anymore. But, both gentlemen stop by the courts regularly to chat with the players. It's always great to see and visit with our good friends.

  • Chizuko:  Hi, guys(๑╹◡╹)ノ"
  • Ted: Can just watch and enjoy the games!!!! TAke care guys!
  • Curt: Nice comments, Chizuko and Ted. I'll share it with them.
  • Curt: Thank you for the likes, Kyoko, Nagisa, Sachiko, David, and Harry (relocated back to Korea last year).
  • Curt: And also, adigato to Bob G., Yukari, Mimi, Chizuko, and Breeda.
  • Harry: Curt, please say Hello to them from Harry in Seoul, Korea.
  • John & Angelo at Wimbledon

    I spotted them while watching the match on TV



    Fairfield CA resident Kim back to her Waikiki Banyan home.

    Kim is friend of Machiko & Tai because she is same tennis group member in Fairfild
    and have same Waikiki Banyan condominium(28th floor * Machiko 37th floor=same Ozzie's)

    Quantas airlines flight attendant Alan played with us today. He lives in Sydney Australia.

    Rey back to here again this year during his vacation from Everett(north of Seattle)

    This is Centre court taken from our seats.

    John Laslo
    5:35 (37分前)
    To 自分
    Sent from my iPad..lovin' it!

    Ed in Sacramento

    Ed with granddaughters on Father's Day. Life is good.

    Monday, June 24, 2013



    Kyoto Nori & Masako are talking with Sapporo Ichiro & Reiko.

          Nice ladies : Yuko, Reiko, Ruth, Esther.

    This morning coffee Alan and Christina(visitor from Dallas Texas) are squeezing #1 court.


    Sandy prepares lunch in Cannon Beach, Oregon