Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nick's duty on Monday Morning

Successful Aging Written by John W. Rowe

Hiro and Rich Photo by Nori-san


During a league match a few weeks ago I was watching one player who kept foot faulting. I guess everyone is guilty of foot faulting on occasion, some more than others; but I don't want to mention any names (Joe). The main purpose of tennis is to have fun, meet new people and maintain good health.

Waikiki Gateway Hotel

We're running a few specials this month at the Waikiki Gateway hotel. If you, your friends or family need a reasonably priced, clean room be sure to let me know. Our room categories range from standard (a basic room), kitchenettes, ocean views and our penthouse suites which are more contemporary in design. The Kapiolani tennis gang gets an additional discount and may include a free upgrade and discounts. If anyone is interested, be sure to let me know...or, check us out at


How to set up your goolgle account?

How to set up your goolgle account to be a contributor?

  1. Open this web page:
  2. Type your E-mail address and you set up your pass word.
  3. Then we send you an invitation by E-mail to become a contributor.
  4. Open the Email and type your E-mail address and PW.
  5. Now you are a contributor.
If you have some problems to set up, let us know. We will help you. Do not give up!!

How do we post to this blog? We need more English writers.

You need a Google account and log in first. Once you've logged into Blogger you'll see your Dashboard, showing your list of blogs. Click the blue 'New Post' button to create a new post:

Screenshot: Blog List

Next, you'll see the Create New Post page. Start by giving your post a title (optional), then enter the post itself:

Creating a new post

When you're done, click the "Preview" link to make sure it's ready to go:

Previewing a post

Once you're satisfied with your post, click the "Publish" button. This will publish your new post:

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Tennis Potluck 2009 Slide show

Many arrigatos to Hiro

Mahalo, HIRO, for helping me learn this process. help

September 30, 2009

I played with Jerry against Keiko and Keoni AND WON 6-3 Yeah!
Keiko and Michi will go back to Japan tomorrow. Boo Hoo!!!

September 30

Hiro has just helped me get connected with this blog!!! Hurray!!!


テニスコート向かい側公園Banyan Treeから新しい芽がドンドン伸びだし地上に向って手を伸ばしているように競っています。蜘蛛の糸のような又、天空から地上に降りるロープのような不思議な光景です。こうやって毎日毎日地上を目指し伸びて行き地上に到達するとそこから水分を取り込み太い幹になるよう育って行きます。逞しい植物ですね。こうやって400年,500年と生きて行っているのです。究極のアンチエイジングです。

Mindy, Doi and Charles

Hiro and Riko

Steve and Mike Teraoka from SF, CA

KP appreciation party (12)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

KP appreciation party (11)

KP appreciation party (10)

KP appreciation party (9) Thanks, Boston Charles.

Boston Charles mentioned more photos:

(Mindy Album)

KP Appreciation Party (8.5) Diana, Ed and Doi


Only one night flowers came out!

KP Appreciation Party (8) Big smiles

KP Appreciation Party (7) Taka-san

KP Appreciation Party (6)

KP Appreciation Party (5)

KP Appreciation Party (4)

KP Appreciation Party (3)

KP Appreciation Party (2)

KP Appreciation Party (1) Photo by Nori-san


Keiko and Keone, Kei and Charles が金網越しに会話をしています。どちらがよいカップルでどちらが悪いカップルか判りませんが金網越しに会話が弾み久し振りに情報収集といった感じで会話が弾んでいました。金網越しの会話となると直ぐ接見場を思い浮かべてしまいますが映画の見過ぎですかね。

Monday, September 28, 2009


9月28日11時過ぎNo2コート東側に出た芝生広場でポットラックパーティが開催され沢山のテニス仲間が集まりました。参加者それぞれが食べる物や飲み物を持参しテーブルに並べ談笑しながら歓談しました。このときのために 散らし寿司,いなりずし,炊き込みおにぎり,そば,チキンウイッグ,生春巻き,キムチ,パイナップル,パパイヤ,グレープフルーツ 等々色々な食べ物が持参されそれぞれ持ち寄った食べ物を頬張りながら歓談しながら楽しい時間を過ごしました。

Japanese cell phone 7years ago

Mobile in Japan 7years ago.

If you have a wireless computer, or any Japanese cell phone, you can get online any where-from remote islands and mountain village to the bullet trains speeding through the countryside, which speed is 150mph. I was suprised the fact that japan, not to mention most of the rest of the world, has so much better wireless connectivity than US. It was 7 years ago, so now is more than that.

By "Digital," I mean that thanks to the PC-Windows-Web-Google-work flow rvolutions, all analg content and process- every thing from photos toentertainment to communication to word processing to architectural design to the management of your home lawn sprinkler system - are being disitized and therefore can be shped, manipulated, exploit, and transmitted over PCs, the internet, satellites, or fiberoptic cable.

IP telphone sinks roots.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) allows you to make phone cells over the internet by turning voices into data pakets that are sent down internet networks and converted back into voices on the other end.

VoIP allows anyone to recive unlimited local and long distance calls, via the internet, over your PC, laptop,- with just a small microphone attachment.

It makes every phone call to anywhere in the world as cheap as a local call- i.e., almost free.

Consider this item from the November 1, 2004, 5years ago, Business Week, about the pioneering VoIP company

VoIP is going to revolutionize the telcommunications industry, which, since its inception, has been based on the simple notion that companies charge you for how long you talk and over what distance. As consumers get more VoIP choices, the competition will be such that telecom companies won't be able to charge for time and distance much longer.Voice will become free.

Steve and Mike from SF, CA

Candy's Birthday party. Ben, we miss you.

Masako-san broght a Baumkuchen for us. Thanks.

Nori-san went to Haleiwa.

Nick Burniske (70) Successful Aging (7)

He is a very good 5 or 5.5 tennis player even if he is 70 years old. Also he is very energetic and healthy. He told me 4 secrets for his health:
  1. Drink water a lot
  2. Eat fresh foods
  3. Excise (tennis, walking and so on )
  4. Sleep well

Pauline and Ann: You know him very well. So could you tell him more in the comment below?

Akito and Tuneno Kitazawa From Shiga Japan

They are Hiromi's old friends in Japan. They visited here to meet Hiromi.

Pot Luck party Today!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunset in Beautiful Waikiki

Posted by Picasa

Ermile ウクレレの先生

5年位前まで朝7時過ぎラケットとウクレレを抱えてテニスコートに来ていた Ermile が毎週火曜日,金曜日10時から1時間ロイヤルハワイアンSC2Fのフードコートでウクレレ・レッスンをしています。ウクレレを貸し出してくれハワイの歌をコードレッスンを通じウクレレからメロディーが流れるよう教えてくれます。Ermile は、肘を痛め今はテニスをしていません。リズム感のある鋭いボールを打ち分けていました。Ermile は、カピオラニインフォメーション向かいのスターバックスに10時頃いることが多いです。

Saturday, September 26, 2009



Super Ferry Now

It used to be in Hawaii. Now it is in Norfolk, VA. Boston Charles sent me this photo. Please explain more detail in the comment below, Charles.

From Joe (2)