Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ryou Morimoto from Chiba in Japan

The five-toed 'sock' that is taking the running world by storm

B. Charles News

Joe moved to WV last Monday.

Thank you for everything, Joe.

I put your latest snaps on the right top as a slideshow. Take a look.
We enjoyed your photos. So please send your photos from WV Or post to this blog.

We all miss you, Joe.

Chizuko : 17 years ago she visited to New York, she was watching world trade center building (before 9.11)

Chizuko : 25 years ago her first visit to Hawaii.

How cute this 2months old Ed & Diana's glanddaughter Sophia!!


朝6時頃のテニスコート もう熱戦が繰り広げられています。早朝プレーヤー Toshi さんグループは、5時30分過ぎに毎日コートに来てゲームを始めています。日の出前ライトに照らされボールを打つ本当に早起きなんです。日差しを浴びない分爽やかで朝から元気に活動できますね。

Chizuko:eating energy snack, Ed&Charlie:talking about interview fee.


The time has come for me to leave beautiful Waikiki and return to my family in West Virginia and Maryland. For almost five years, I have called Waikiki home and enjoyed living here amongst friends made primarily at the Kapiolani Park tennis courts. You will be in my memory forever ( or at least as long as I have a memory..LOL) . My damaged knees have prevented me from enjoying tennis since February so its time to go back home and seek a remedy ( arthroscope, meds, injections, or replacements) . Hopefully, I will be able to return someday and renew the special friendships that I have been blessed with. May God richly bless all of you. Continue to enjoy this awesome weather and the abundant friendships made playing tennis. "Mahalo" for the "aloha" you lavished on me and my daughters when they visited. Peace!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mr. Doi


No2コート Tom と Ann がショットを決めてハイタッチをしようとしています。Ken は、やられたなと守備位置を移動しています。それぞれポイントを決めたりいいショットをした時は、パートナーと声を掛け合いいい流れを維持する雰囲気を作って行くことが次のポイントに繋がりますね。

Nagisa Mori from Toyonaka, Osaka

Khanh and Kim Tieu from LA

Charie Oh hits a thundering forehand. Not bad for 92 years old

Joe looks Hollywood in his hot sun glasses

Charlie Oh, Mason and Joe visit between sets

Nori heads home while Mason checks out the chick on the next court

Joe and his partner smile and enjoy lots of tennis

Video : Tom playing.

Masako's husband Nori and Daniel & Khann couple will leave tomorrow Sayonara! Good bye! , but see you again pretty soon!!

But Nori will come back to here September and Daniel & Khann couple will return next month.
From left : Hiro, Nori, Daniel, Charlie, Khann, Nori(tennis), Chizuko, Ed.

Welcome back to KPTC again Chizuko!!

This time she can stay here until middle of August.

This photo was first one taken by my bland new camera(Kodak Z950).

Monday, June 28, 2010

Koji and Joe


コートの間にスクッと2本立っているモミの木 いいスタイルですね。ほど良い大きさでいいバランスを保ち立っています。コートを見守るようなドンドン大きくなる雰囲気で立っていますがこの木は、ズ~ツと同じ高さで佇んでいます。あまり剪定される所を見たことが無いのですが剪定されて高さを維持しているのですね。

Daniel and Khanh Tieu from LA

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ben and Shirley

Maj and Dr. John

New York Charlie with stolen shirt

う~ん やられた!!

Sachi and Steve いい感じでラリーを続けたのに相手のショットがいい所に決められ「まいったな!!」とボールをラケットで弾みながら Steve は、サーブに向かい Sachi は、次の対応を考えながらサイドを変えています。いいショットでポイントを取られた後同じ流れにならないよう積極的に攻めましょう。

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pizza day of LA Steve

Koji and Shimada-san

Steve daughter graduation in SF


テニスを終えてユックリ バスストップに向かって歩きながらシェルスタンド方向に目をやると素敵なバランスの景色が目に入ってきます。芝生の広がりその中にいい枝ぶりで木陰を作ってくれるパフの木,ダンスをしているような左巻きのモミの木,その中央にデンと構えるハイビスカス 本当にいい眺めだなぁ~

Friday, June 25, 2010



Steve daughter graduation in SF

Steve daughter graduation in SF



Ed, Ben and "New York Charlie"

Joe, The Graduates Father and Tom

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pizza Cup in KP

Next Cup is inviting to LemonDropNightClub by his jet.

Two VTN guys

Steve daughter graduation in SF



Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thai restaurant at Kaimuki

Koji, Jack, Brett and Hoku take a breather between sets



Stanley Woo and Shimada-san

Shimada-san from Saitama

Tuesday, June 22, 2010