Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mason and Joe

Susan & Ester

ゲームを始めようと急ぐ Ester とゆっくり準備する Susan です。二人ともボールをよく繋ぎ思っても見ないところにボールを打ってくるのでよく見ていないとポイントを取られます。そして絶妙のドロップショットを持っているので何でそんなところにドロップショットが入るのというような場面がゲームの中で何度かあります。楽しいゲームが出来る Susan & Ester です。

Monday, August 30, 2010

Curtis Young Sister



In September many of our friends will return to our court.

Sep 1st : Michi & Kei
1 : Bob & Hiromi
1 : Monica from New Zealand
2 : Parm Spring John
2 : Nori & Masako
4 : Yutaka
5 : Ed & Diana
9 : Stan & Shirley
? : Ozzie & Sandy
More? anybody know?

Sayonara Koba & Akemi and good to see you again, Lin.

Today is the last day for Koba & Akemi for playing tennis at KPTC.
But they will return back here on Oct 12th for their son's wedding.
Lin works for United Air Lines, she can play her off day or weekend or holiday.
from left : Reiko, Floyd, Akemi, Kobayashi, Yosi, Charlie, Lin, Hiro, Doi, Allen.

Today Akiko would go back to Japan.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rika and Chizuko


1セットプレーしベンチに座りリラックスしている Chizuko です。コーヒーポットのそばに座り温かいコーヒーを片手に次の出番までこうやってゲームを見たり話をしたりすることで次のゲームに備えています。こうした時間が過ごせるのがこのカピオラニコートのいいところですよね。

Saturday, August 28, 2010




Big Aloha!! Bob & Arden couple come to Kapiolani park tennis courts.

They visit from Aptos, CA(near Monterey)
They played tennis in KPTC first time but they are very content with playing here because view and weather is nice furthermore everybody welcomed to them friendly. So they decide to return to here at least 1~2 times every year.
They will leave tomorrow noon but want to play early morning before leaving.
Mahalo Bob & Arden~ see you again.

Friday, August 27, 2010


もう少しでダイヤモンドヘッドから太陽が顔を出し公園全体に太陽の光が届こうかというチョッピリ前です。ナイター照明の下テニスコートでは、もう熱戦が始まり鋭いラリーが続き何度目かのコートチェンジをしようとしています。今までの流れを振り返りコートチェンジに向かおうと Hiro が考えながら動き出しています。こんな時簡に熱いテニスなんて皆早起きなんですよね。

Koba-san and Chang

Thursday, August 26, 2010

John and Joe

Maybe this week is the last week for Joe playing tennis in KP.



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Soichiro and Sayuri



Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Akemi Hula in KP


色々なバスの起点になるカピオラニ公園バスストップです。ワイキキ方面から来るとこのバスストップの手前が終点になります。そこでバスは、しばらく時間調整し出発時間が来るとこのバスストップに来て始発になります。No22のビーチバスは、ここが基点でなく Gateway H のKuhio Ave 側が基点なのでカピオラニ公園に来た頃には、超満員のことがあります。

Monday, August 23, 2010

Same school in Japan

Rika & Joan

リラックスして次のゲームで出番を待っている Rika & Joan です。ベンチで待っている間もボールのやり取りをリラックスして見つめることでイメージトレーニングになりますね。色々な場面をベンチから見つめられることでその場面場面で自分だったらどうボールを処理するか客観的に見ることが次のゲームに活きて来ますね。

Congratulation coffee Alan !!! He made a Hole-In -One in the West Loch golf course No.12 hole last week Tuesday.

Alan Kagawa and his friends were witness.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Korean Ben and Eli



Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mike and Ron


ウーマンズ 10Km参加者達が沢山 スタート地点に向かっています。毎月月初にランニングイベントが行われています。クイーンカピオラニ銅像前が各ランニングイベントの受付場所になっています。ハワイのランニングイベント当日受付可能なので突然参加しようとしても受付で参加料と登録すればゼッケンがもらえます。

Farewell party for Joe's leaving to Alaska.

Jamie made this cake for Goe.
Jeo brings some malasadas and coffee.
Joe is going to leave next week Thursday.
He will stay in Alaska until next year October.

Big Aloha Lin!!

Lin usually play tennis at the Halekoa hotel tennis courts with her friends 3~4 times per week.

Ruth & her grandson Justin.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sachiko(幸子) returned to their Honolulu home(Waikiki Benyan) last Sunday.

Welcome back to the court from New Zealand Cate & John.



Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ed and Pauline

Charles and Pauline

Reiko & Hiro

Reiko 1セットが終わってベンチで一息休憩中です。チョッピリ出足の遅かったHiro がコートに現れこれからウォーミングアップを始めるよと準備をしようとするところを写真を撮ったので余裕充分の Hiro とチョッピリ休憩したいよ~という雰囲気の Reiko に構図がなりました。色々なメンバーが順繰りコートに現れて来るのがカピオラニ・コートのいいところですね。

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Keone & Ryan そして Sachi

お店を開いてから Keone は、忙しく中々テニスコートに出かけてこれませんね。バックハンドに来たイージーボール当然相手コートに返るものだと思ったボールがネットに当り自分たちのコートに返ってきました。アレレと Ryan が振り返っています。 Sachi は、リターンボールをボレーしようと待っていたのにどうしたのかなという感じでボールを見つめています。イージーボールほどリラックスして打たないとミスしてしまいますね。

Korean Ben and Pauline

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


カピオラニ公園バス停に停車して時間調整をしている NOT IN SERVICE のバスです。色々なルートを辿ってきたバス このカピオラニ公園バス停が終点で始発になるので時間待ちの間 NOT IN SERVICE 表示で停車しています。出発時刻が迫ってくると行き先表示が出て出発してゆきます。7月1日からバス料金2.50$に値上げされましたね。

From Tom


Thanks "Good Charley" for this article. They still will not find their way there,right? Still have not got on the tennis courts being busy doing catching up on paperwork ,etc. Still getting furniture piece by piece and just added a L-shaped computer deck and a leather chair that's to be delovered Thurs. from Office Depot. Heard from Ian, the Continental Flight Attendent saying he saw you and the rest of the gang this past weekend. These 3 squares a day is almost too much. My son, from Los Gatos about 35 miles away has been over to visit 2 times already taking pictures which he will then put on CD's and you can see what is going on,etc. Been in touch with "Mo" almost every day to help him cope with his new home. He is now with Shawn, who lives in Gilroy. Mo is walking to a nearby tennis courts and feeling better. This place has several computer rooms and one can be alone most of the time, especially at 4 am. Not even the cooks are up then! ha. Take care Charlie and tell all I DO miss you guys!!

Akemi and Chang

Monday, August 16, 2010

The soon-to-be-demolished visitor kiosk


The visitor information kiosk at the corner of Kapahulu and Kalakaua avenues will come down next month to make way for new, rock wall signs that will help tourists answer the mostly common asked question at the kiosk: "Where is the zoo?"

Acting Mayor Kirk Caldwell said yesterday that the kiosk is staffed sporadically by volunteers. When it is open, the No. 1 question tourists have for volunteers is how to find the entrance to the zoo, which is about 50 yards away.

The new signs will be mounted on rock walls, and one will point visitors to the Honolulu Zoo entrance, Caldwell said.

The other will tell visitors that they are in Queen Kapiolani Regional Park.

They are part of the city's new zoo entrance project, which is scheduled to be finished by the end of the year, city spokesman Bill Brennan said.

The other common questions that tourists ask at the kiosk involve the Waikiki Aquarium, Hanauma Bay and city bus routes.

But Caldwell said that information is also available at Waikiki hotels and the Honolulu Police Department's Waikiki substation, which is near the soon-to-be-demolished visitor kiosk. The work to demolish the kiosk and install the signs is scheduled to cost $72,000, according to the mayor's spokesman. It will cost $3.26 million to remodel the zoo entrance.

In November the city announced the demolition of the kiosk when officials broke ground on a new entrance to the zoo, which is designed to be more visible and closer to the parking lot.

The new entrance will feature multiple ticket lines and a 2,000-square-foot gift shop.

Correction: The cost to demolish the kiosk and install the signs is $72,000 and is part of a $3.26 million project to remodel the zoo entrance. An earlier version of this story said the cost to demolish the kiosk and install the signs is $3.26 million.



Pauline and Ben

Charlie, Ian, Earl.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Candy and Chang (90)

Esther & Koba-San

Koba-San いつも Esther のドロップショットに悩まされるのですが今回は、ペアを組んだので余裕の雰囲気で Esther のリターンボールを見極めています。二人とも相手の守備位置など広い範囲を見て動こうとしていますので余裕を感じられますね。

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Charles News

A Swedish motorist caught driving at 290km/h (180mph) in Switzerland could be given a world-record speeding fine of SFr1.08m ($1m; £656,000), prosecutors say.

The 37-year-old, who has not been named, was clocked driving his Mercedes sports car at 170km/h over the limit.

Under Swiss law, the level of fine is determined by the wealth of the driver and the speed recorded.

In January, a Swiss driver was fined $290,000 - the current world record.

Local police spokesman Benoit Dumas said of the latest case that "nothing can justify a speed of 290km/h".

"It is not controllable. It must have taken 500m to stop," he said.

The Swede's car - a Mercedes SLS AMG - has been impounded and in principle he could be forced to pay a daily fine of SFr3,600 for 300 days.


カピオラニ公園西端ワイキキ側です。ワイキキ方面から歩いてきたりバスで公園まで来るとこの場所を必ず通ります。ワイキキから真っ直ぐ進んでくるとKalakaua Ave で動物園方向に行くと Monsarrat Ave になります。このポイントで道が分かれているのが判りづらく動物園を探してウロウロする人達が沢山います。そんな人達を見かけたら声をかけてあげましょう!!

Koba and Pauline

Russian mother Landa & her daughter Karya visit from San Diego.

Ian Bremner (Coninental Air Lines service manager) came back to the court.

He lives in Houston Texas, but was born in England very close Pauline's birth place.
This morning he was looking for Pauline but couldn't see her.