Monday, December 31, 2012

Hikaru & Moca


Bye Bye 2012

As the year comes to an end and a new one begins, Meg and I would like to wish all of the players and friends of Kapiolani Park tennis, a Happy New Year.  We hope you'll have great relationships and experiences.  Take care and aloha!  :)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Yutaka-san, Perfect Posting to this Blog.

Thank you for everything, Yutaka-san. He is a one who never missed a day in this blog.  He has been posting to this blog. Never missed. How consistent!! For Tennis, it is very important, too.

2000th post in 2012


Multi-racial friendship.

Walter(Canadian), Esther( South American), Hatsumi & Hiromi, Eri & Hideo(Japanese) together.

Happy married Christian couple : Kazue & Kiyoshi.

It's Nice to Have Birthdays

Ruth receives a nice gift for her birthday. 

Rain at KPTC today (sunday 12/30 )

Moe & Yuka (Hyogo Sanda)

ワイキキ最後の日チョット早起きしてテニスコートにやって来ました。チョッピリ・シャワーの中二人でラリーを楽しみました。Moe が学校が休みの3月,12月にハワイに来ています。次回もう少し長くテニスを楽しもうと思っています。31日新年の日本に向けて帰ります。

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Chako & Jiro

Thank you very much your nice mail all the time.
  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  Please have a Merry Christmas and a hopefull New Year.
  We hope you will be happy and well.
                       BIG HUG and LOVE  CHAKO & JIRO

Shota & Mizuyo (Tokyo Setagaya)

数年ぶりのハワイ テニスを楽しもうとラケットを持って始めてカピオラニ・コートにやって来ました。早朝テニスを楽しみこれからノースへ出かけようと8時過ぎコートを後にしました。朝コートに足を向けゲームを楽しみます。

Ruth is Celebrating her Birthday with Friends

From the left, it's Ben, Khal, Ruth, Hiromi, Jami, and Bob at the courts this morning.    :)

Three Japanese beautiful same age( I don't know their age) ladies together : Ayano, Akiko, Michiyo.

Young powerful Japanese player together : Jin, Tomy. Yutaka, Yoshindo.

Old generatioan; Takashi, Tsuneo, Fusae, Alan Kagaw are confabulating on the table.

Kim : her 3rd time visiting this year from San Francisco, Big Aloha!!

Fred : visiting from Vancouver B.C Canada Aloha!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Keith を囲んで

ゲームが終わりプレーをした4人が集まりカピオラニ・コート維持にきめ細かい気配りをしてくれている Keith にコーヒーで乾杯しました。Keith スクージー・ロール1本スポンジ部分が機能しなくなっているのを交換処理しロッカーに入れてくれました。

Kapiolani Park is a Great Place to Play Tennis with Friends

From the left, it's Misako, Jin, Meg, Michiyo, and Jonha at our favorite park and tennis courts.

Former physical education teacher Kiyoshi is doing physical exercise.

Best friend Misako and Kazue together.

Kiyoko & Osamu are visiting from Kyoto for 3 weeks stay.

Sawako & Koji are visiting from Tokushima.

Happy birthday Ruth(Dec 28)!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Have You Seen this Person Hanging Around the Courts?

Be careful of this wanderer.  He likes to smile, make friends, and play tennis.  I believe he may be returning back to Kapiolani Park on Sunday.  You have been warned.

Masato & Makiko (Tokyo Setagaya)

26日ハワイ入り 早速早起きしてテニスコートにやって来ました。ビギナーですがカピオラニコートで滞在中楽しみたいと思っています。27日早速ゲームを行い楽しいテニスを行い大満足です。見かけたらゲームに誘ってください。

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Koji, John, Maj.(John and Maj can't play tennis around two months because of knee and back problem)

Michiyo(美千代) came back with her husband Takeshi.

The Tents in Kapiolani Park

The tents were put up during the marathon.  They are long gone and the park has been relatively quiet since this very popular event.

Daisuke & Kimiko (Tokyo Komagome)


I hear Hawaii beckoning.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Did You Get your Christmas Cookie?

Mason and his nephew, Kama, did.  Thanks to Meg for baking and providing the cookies to many of the players today.  Kama is currently attending a junior college in Arizona where he's on their volleyball team.

Esther トナカイ登場

X'mas テニスコートに Esther トナカイがやって来ました。そりを引いていませんが美味しいクッキーをテニスコート・プレーヤーに配ってくれました。こんな素敵な角をアンテナにボールの飛んでくる方向をキャッチして予測外の場所に鋭いショットが飛んでくるんですね。

Monday, December 24, 2012

Contributors pay $4.89/month to post this blog. Give them your appreciates.

So leave your comments for the contributors. More than 300 visitors see this blog every day. But with no reactions and comments, contributors would be supposed to give up posting. Please leave your comments.  Otherwise we move to Facebook. Not everybody can see. Only these who have a Facebook account can see.

またコメントも残しましょう。1日300人以上の人がこのブログを見ているのに反応、コメントがないのはがっかりで、やる気もうせます。皆様のコメントをお待ちしております。でないとフェイスブックの方へ移動してしまいますよ。そこではすべての人が観れるわけではありません。 - Serious Clouds of Vapor! Curt's Facebook

Thank you, Take/Hiro.  I saw this commercial on TV on Monday.  I thought everyone might be interested in seeing it because it was shot at the Kapiolani Park tennis courts.  Let us know what you think of it.  :)   -Curt

Makiko & Toshihiko

結婚式を挙げるため22日に California San Jose からハワイにやって来ました。23日結婚式を済ませクリスマスイブ早速ラケットを抱えカピオラニコートにやって来ました。二人とも息の合ったプレーで熱戦を展開しました。26日に San Jose へ帰ります。

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hi everyone.  Meg and I would like to wish all of you a great Christmas and New Year's.  Please enjoy each other, have fun, and be safe!  See you at the courts soon.  :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Charlie & KC

KC コートに現れた Charlie を見つけ直ぐ近づき親愛の挨拶を Charlie ニコニコ顔で大歓迎です。Charlie カピオアラニ・コートでの最年長94歳毎朝8時前素敵な2シーターのスポーツカーでコートに乗り付けます。ウォーミングアップを入念に行い2セットプレーします。鋭いボールが返って来るので油断大敵です。

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Say "Hi" to our Visitors from San Diego

Earlier today, Ben and I met Tom and Nancy above.  Tom must have purposely blinked when I counted to three.  :D



Friday, December 21, 2012



This morning Ayano(right) brought her Korean friend Sung Hee Jung(left, born in Japan 3rd generation)

9th visiting of Greg & Linda from Salinas CA.

Deb and Joyce are visiting from Hong Kong.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Why is Meg Upset?

Did Curt take away her tennis racquet?



Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Squeeze Much Harder, Sachi!!!

Yes.  Sachi is doing what most of us want to do to Steve.  :D

Bruce & Marina came back again this year from B.C Canada.