The weather at Waikiki in Hawaii, is the best in the world. It is warm and dry throughout the year (70~90F). No hurricanes, no heavy rains, no earthquakes. Money can not buy weather. So here is the best place to play tennis and to realize the successful aging. 常夏のハワイといわれるように気候は世界一。一年を通じて気温は20~30℃、湿度が低いのでカラットしてます。台風、大雨、地震もないです。いくら金持ちでも気候はお金では買えません。青空の下でテニスができたら、心と体の健康に良いでしょう。ハワイで素晴らしい健康的な人生を楽しみましょう。
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Thank you, Hiro, Ben, Yutaka, and Elaine, for posting today. For everyone else, thank you taking the time to post and make comments. :)
Ahhh...what a feeling!
Hey Curt,
I am feeling "warm and fuzzy" over now that I've seen cute Mayuko today. By the way, she's way cuter than you.
Maria Sharapova!
Obviously, this photo is for the guys...Ed in particular. :D Tomorrow, I'll post something for the ladies. Stay tuned.
To post a photo or comment, send your email with photo attached to:
To post a photo or comment, send your email with photo attached to:
Okay everyone. We want all of you to participate actively on this blog. Hiro created it but it's up to each one of us to make it successful. Successful means lots of people posting photos and comments and interacting with each other. Right now, we have a lot invisible visitors. Only a few of us post and make comments. Please do not remain invisible. It's too much to expect just a few people to carry this blog. We need all of you.
So everyone, please help out a little. If someone posts a photo of you, it would be nice if you would say something...maybe like thank you if you're at a loss for words. Most of all, please be nice to one another! I'm the only one that can make fun of people...just kidding! Have fun and see you both on the courts and in the blog. :)
このブログに積極的に参加をしてください。ヒロ作成しますが、各 1 つの成功させるために私たちを。成功は、写真やコメントを投稿し、相互に多くの人々 を意味します。今、私たちは目に見えないの訪問者があります。私たちの数だけポストおよびコメントを作る。このブログを運ぶためにちょうど少数の人々 を期待するあまりであります。我々 はすべての必要があります。だから皆、少し助けてください。誰かがあなたの写真を投稿する場合は、何かと言えばたぶんのならあなたに感謝の言葉がいいでしょう。すべての最も 1 つ別にいいこと !私は 1 つだけの人の楽しみを作ることができる... 冗談です !楽しいし、裁判所とブログの両方を参照してください。:)カート
I used google to translate the above. Hopefully, it translated correctly. If not, sorry...go-mina-sai. Will someone please let me know how it translated? Mahalo.
このブログに積極的に参加をしてください。ヒロ作成しますが、各 1 つの成功させるために私たちを。成功は、写真やコメントを投稿し、相互に多くの人々 を意味します。今、私たちは目に見えないの訪問者があります。私たちの数だけポストおよびコメントを作る。このブログを運ぶためにちょうど少数の人々 を期待するあまりであります。我々 はすべての必要があります。だから皆、少し助けてください。誰かがあなたの写真を投稿する場合は、何かと言えばたぶんのならあなたに感謝の言葉がいいでしょう。すべての最も 1 つ別にいいこと !私は 1 つだけの人の楽しみを作ることができる... 冗談です !楽しいし、裁判所とブログの両方を参照してください。:)カート
I used google to translate the above. Hopefully, it translated correctly. If not, sorry...go-mina-sai. Will someone please let me know how it translated? Mahalo.
Everybody can post a photo to this blog by E-mail. Just send your photo to
Who is Wearing these Colorful Tennis Shoes?
It's bright and pretty. Could it be Boston Charlie? Ozzie? Hiro? Ed? Steve? Ben? Yutaka?
Answer: The person wearing the shoes is none other than Jamie! :) Good try, everyone.
Answer: The person wearing the shoes is none other than Jamie! :) Good try, everyone.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Bye-Bye Rich
Here's Ruth and Rich on Saturday. Rich returns back to Oklahoma on Tuesday. Aloha and see you when you return.
いいですね!!二人の Charle がコート間のベンチに座り話し込んでいます。二人とも毎日7時30分頃になるとコートに現れます。各コートの顔を出しプレーヤーに声をかけベンチで待っているプレーヤー達に話し掛けます。毎日このようにコートの顔を出し皆が声を掛け合いこのコートでの楽しい時間が共有できる本当に素敵です。
Sunday, July 29, 2012
朝日がダイヤモンド・ヘッドの上に顔を出しテニスコートを照らし始めました。オレンジ色の日差しがコートに届きプレーヤーの到着を待っています。この日差しが届くと空の色が色々変化してゆきます。オレンジ,ピンク,ブルー,水色 等々空の色が素敵に変化してゆきます。早起きするとそういう変化を体中で感じられます。
Saturday, July 28, 2012
It's Shima, Mayuko, and Kei
What a great player--and her parents are good too!
Note: Please let them know that their photo is posted on the blog. Thank you.
Note: Please let them know that their photo is posted on the blog. Thank you.
Friday, July 27, 2012
盛況のテニスコート ゲーム進行中のメンバーもベンチで待っているメンバーも皆楽しく声を掛け合いいいプレーに拍手があり「ナイスショット」と声がかかり楽しい仲間が勢ぞろいです。いい景色,いい天候 そして素敵な仲間が一杯 カピオラニ・テニスコートのいい所です。
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Oklahoma vs. Texas!
The college football season is almost here. And, one of the big rivalries is Oklahoma vs. Texas. Here, Rich proudly wears his Oklahoma Sooner polo shirt and Meg brings out her Texas Longhorn shirt to do battle. Note that Rich points the Longhorn hand gesture down towards the ground. So, who will win this year's game? Will it be Rich and Oklahoma or Meg and Texas? Me? I pick Meg any and every single day! No contest. :)
P.S. I believe Rich returns back to Oklahoma early next week. Give him a good farewell by beating the red shirt and shorts off of him!
P.S. I believe Rich returns back to Oklahoma early next week. Give him a good farewell by beating the red shirt and shorts off of him!
カピオラニ公園入り口動物園へ向かう所にこの GANDHI 銅像があります。何故ここに GANDHI 銅像なんだろうと思いますが GANDHI の言葉に「動物を愛する国民が沢山いる国は、安全平和な国だ」と言うのがあります。それにちなんで動物園の近くに GANDHI 銅像を立てている国が沢山あります。残念ながら日本には、ありません。
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
George Bush Visits Kapiolani Park
Not! It's actually West Virginia Joe. Here's what he had to say when I asked how is he doing and when will he return:
"Most things are very well and I continue to hold onto hope that I will return to Hawaii/Waikiki someday. My 5 years in Hawaii were fulfilling, rewarding, and "magical". So don't be shocked if someday you arrive at the tennis courts and see my smiling face !!! Much aloha to ALL my tennis friends in beautiful Hawaii."
And, we send our Aloha back to you. Take care, Joe!
"Most things are very well and I continue to hold onto hope that I will return to Hawaii/Waikiki someday. My 5 years in Hawaii were fulfilling, rewarding, and "magical". So don't be shocked if someday you arrive at the tennis courts and see my smiling face !!! Much aloha to ALL my tennis friends in beautiful Hawaii."
And, we send our Aloha back to you. Take care, Joe!
Susan , Joyce 仲良くベンチに座っている所を撮りました。Joyce 最近ひざを痛めているのでプレーが控えていますがいつも7時頃にコートに現れゲームを楽しんでいます。Susan 7時前から元気にプレーを楽しんでいます。Joyce & Rich 近いうちにマウイ島に引っ越しをするということで寂しくなります。
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
We Need Your Help to Vote
A big mahalo to all of you who voted for our photo in the U.S. Tennis Association (USTA) "Create Your Own Court" photo contest. Voting is allowed once per day through September 12. To vote again, here's the link:
If you haven't voted yet, please help us by going to the above link and register. A week ago, our photo was selected as one of 10 national finalists. You can see our photo up above. The winner of the contest will be based on total votes received.
Keep in mind that you will need to register first which means that the UTSA will need your name, email address, address, and age group (mandatory to vote). Any help you can provide is appreciated. Thanks everyone!
Curt and Meg :)
Ricky & Yuko Meet up with Visitors from Japan
Does anyone know the names of the couple on the right? They're nice players; the guy especially is very skilled. I think they leave by the end of the month.
Monday, July 23, 2012
動物園周回ロードを走るランナー 毎日色々な時間いつもランナーやウォーキングする人達が続いています。カピオラニ公園,動物園周回とランニングやウォーキングするための道路が設けられ公園の芝生広場を含め体を動かす環境が整備されています。気軽に幅広い年代に渡り楽しんで沢山の人達が体を動かしています。
Sunday, July 22, 2012
A Nice Hawaiian Sunset
Here's a nice sunset to close out the past week. As a new one begins, have an enjoyable and productive week ahead. Take care and Aloha!
ウイークデイ6時頃からいつも練習をしている Kunio , BOB のペアーです。練習用のボール100球近く交替で球出しをしてフォア,バックとボールを打ち続けています。思う場所にボールを打とうとポイントを決めながらいつも練習しています。何度も何度もイメージした所に打つ練習を繰り返すことでゲームの時に活きてきます。
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Happy Birthday, Koji!
Friday was Koji's birthday. Stop by and wish him well. He is now 95 years old...not! But, he still plays like he's 25. :)
Friday, July 20, 2012
Interesting Non-Tennis Video
If you're bored and have nothing to do, check out this video of this 19-year old 100-meter hurdler. I think the guys might like it more. :)
Here's the link:
Here's the link:
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Ben が他コートの進行状況を確認しています。ベンチで待つプレーヤーが多くなると進行の早いコートへプレーヤーに移動してもらうことで待ち時間が短縮され沢山のプレーヤーがゲームを楽しむことが出来ます。このように他のコートを確認してアドバイスなど行いスムースな運営を Ben や他のメンバーがサポートしてくれます。
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Made my supporter debut
Got injection on my knee for joint inflammation yesterday but wasn't hurt I'm tough girl(^_^) and did play tennis at clay court with Nobu today. My knee is totally fine \(^o^)/
We Need Your Vote! 私たちはあなたの投票が必要 !
Some of you may have seen Meg and I setting up this home-made court. I submitted this photo of it in a U.S. Tennis Association (USTA) “Create Your Own Tennis Court” photo contest. It was just selected as one of 10 national finalists. The winner of the contest will be based on total votes received through September 12. Each person may vote once a day. If you would like to help us by voting, here’s the link to the site to vote:
Keep in mind that you will need to register first which means that the UTSA will need your name, email address, address, and age group (mandatory to vote). Any help you can provide is appreciated. Thanks everyone!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Koji and his Two Sons
Yes. It's Koji and his two sons, Brent and Jack. Jack taught Koji how to play tennis and Koji taught Brent how to apply a massive amount of sunblock to his face.
Three Lady Players
No2コート最初に揃った Pauline , Susan , Monica 3人共早起きプレーヤーでこの後早速ウォーミングアップを行い Pauline , Susan Vs Monica , Yutaka で熱戦を展開しました。ロブ,ドロップショット,ダイレクト・ショット,ボレーと多彩なボールがコートを飛び交いました。
Sunday, July 15, 2012
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