Sunday, August 30, 2009

Opposition wins landslide in Japan election

(phto:left representative Democratic Party Hatoyama Yukio)

TOKYO – Japan's ruling party conceded a crushing defeat Sunday after 54 years of nearly unbroken rule as voters were poised to hand the opposition a landslide victory in nationwide elections, driven by economic anxiety and a powerful desire for change.

The left-of-center Democratic Party of Japan was set to win 300 or more of the 480 seats in the lower house of parliament, ousting the Liberal Democrats, who have governed Japan for all but 11 months since 1955, according to exit polls by all major Japanese TV networks.

1 comment:

  1. 最近 韓國 日本 政治圈 大變化, 韓國:數個月前 盧武炫 前大統領 自殺, 數日前 金大中 前大統領 死亡. 日本:民主黨 壓勝 54年 止屬 自民黨 政權交滯 韓國 國民 民主黨 代表 Hatoyama Yukio 大歡榮 理由:Hatoyama, 父母, 婦人 韓流 熱熱pan, Korean 言語 工夫 /Ben 祝賀 日本 民主黨 勝理.(Can you understand what I am saying Hiro?)
