Monday, March 16, 2009

I'll be there next month

Hi guys, how's it going? Many thanks for all you guys help this blog. It's getting warm here spring seems just around my favorite season coming finally. Nah......I prefer Hawaii weather to Japan weather actually even too hot. Anyway, I'll get there 11th of April so I'll see you guys 12th Sunday maybe. I don't play tennis for three weeks already I have to wait one more week  I got lasic for my eyes I wrote before that's why so I'm impatient to play tennis. I'm looking forward to seeing everybody:)
See you soon!!!


  1. Thank you for your translation from Japanese to English. We are waiting for you. Especially Esta.

  2. 素早い翻訳ありがとうございます。日本の黄砂そして花粉シーズンからから逃れて気持のよいハワイ暮らし楽しんで下さい。

  3. 気をつけて行ってらっしゃい♪

  4. ありがとうございます^^今回は16日間といつもより短いけど、また6月末からは長く滞在するので、そのときにはたくさんテニスしたいと思います。そして、私の下手な英訳で申し訳ないですが、今後もがんばります。
    Thank you and can not wait to be there!!!
