Thursday, October 2, 2014

Aloha to our Friend, Kay

Sad news to report. Kay (Kimie) Nakaganeku just passed away. The old timers from over 10 years ago remember Kay as a regular at the courts. She only played a few times since. She was a delightful lady who always had a nice smile and treated everyone well. Kay, we miss you. Take care and aloha.

Notes:  No services are planned. Photos were taken in 2006.

悲しいニュースは報告です。ケイ(君枝)Nakaganekuさんが火曜日の朝に亡くなりました。 10年以上の常連としてケイを覚えています。彼女は以来、数回をしていました。彼女はいつも素敵な笑顔を持っていた楽しい女性だった。私たちはあなたを失い悲しいです。アロハしてください。


  1. We miss her. I remmember her smile.

  2. Yes, we miss her, Hiro. Kay was a very nice and friendly lady.

  3. Mahalo for remembering my Aunty Kay -- very kind & thoughtful of you.

  4. You're welcome, DotKam. We do miss her; though, we haven't seen much of her in recent years. Was she doing okay?
