The weather at Waikiki in Hawaii, is the best in the world. It is warm and dry throughout the year (70~90F). No hurricanes, no heavy rains, no earthquakes. Money can not buy weather. So here is the best place to play tennis and to realize the successful aging. 常夏のハワイといわれるように気候は世界一。一年を通じて気温は20~30℃、湿度が低いのでカラットしてます。台風、大雨、地震もないです。いくら金持ちでも気候はお金では買えません。青空の下でテニスができたら、心と体の健康に良いでしょう。ハワイで素晴らしい健康的な人生を楽しみましょう。
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Mamemaki. Devils out! Happiness in!
★ 節分は日本の伝統的な行事で、2月の3日か4日です。
"Setsubun" is a traditional Japanese event, which falls on
either the 3rd or 4th of February.
★ それは、冬と春の2つの季節を分ける日です。
It is the day that divides two seasons: winter and spring.
★ この日には、寺や神社で 「豆まき」 が行われます。
On this day, the "Bean-throwing Ceremony" is held at temples
and shrines.
★ 「年男 (その年と同じ干支に生まれた男性) 」 である有名人が招かれて、
Celebrities who are "Toshiotoko (a man who was born under
the zodiac sign for that year)" are invited to throw these beans.
★ 夕方 (夜) には、人々は炒り豆を家の中と外にまきます。
In the evening, people throw roasted soybeans inside and
outside their houses.
★ 「鬼は外、福は内」 と叫びます。
And the words "Oniwa-soto, Fukuwa-uchi!" meaning
"Devils out! Happiness in!" are shouted.
★ 年の数と同じだけの炒り豆を食べるのが習慣です。
It is a custom to eat as many roasted soybeans as your age.
★ 炒り豆は古来から、悪魔を追い払う魔よけとして使われてきました。
Roasted beans have been used as a charm against demons
since ancient times.
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Devils out! Happiness in!
ReplyDeleteThat's why Shono prepared the mask of devil.
Ozzie, you may put it o your face.
not o , on.