Sunday, February 3, 2013

Mamemaki. Devils out! Happiness in!


   "Setsubun" is a traditional Japanese event, which falls on 
   either the 3rd or 4th of February.


   It is the day that divides two seasons: winter and spring.

 この日には、寺や神社で 「豆まき」 が行われます。

   On this day, the "Bean-throwing Ceremony" is held at temples
   and shrines. 

 「年男 (その年と同じ干支に生まれた男性) 」 である有名人が招かれて、

   Celebrities who are "Toshiotoko (a man who was born under
   the zodiac sign for that year)" are invited to throw these beans.

 夕方 (夜) には、人々は炒り豆を家の中と外にまきます。

   In the evening, people throw roasted soybeans inside and
   outside their houses. 

 「鬼は外、福は内」 と叫びます。

   And the words "Oniwa-soto, Fukuwa-uchi!" meaning 
   "Devils out! Happiness in!" are shouted.


   It is a custom to eat as many roasted soybeans as your age.


   Roasted beans have been used as a charm against demons
   since ancient times.


  1. Devils out! Happiness in!

    That's why Shono prepared the mask of devil.

    Ozzie, you may put it o your face.
