Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hawaii Scores In Energy Efficiency Ranking - Honolulu News Story - KITV Honolulu

Hawaii Scores In Energy Efficiency Ranking - Honolulu News Story - KITV Honolulu HONOLULU -- Hawaii is ranked twelfth in energy efficiency for a second year, according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy’s 2011 State Scorecard. The annual scorecard, now in its fifth edition, presents a comprehensive ranking of states based on metrics capturing best practices and effective leadership in energy efficiency policy and program implementation. The scorecard compares each state’s energy-efficiency policies in six ways: utility and public benefits programs and policies, transportation policies, building energy codes, combined heat and power, state government initiatives and appliance efficiency standards. Tied with Maine and Colorado, Hawaii scored 26.5 out of a total 50 possible points; a two-point improvement over last year. One area where Hawaii really shined was in the amount of electricity the state actually saved. Hawaii ranked third in terms of overall energy savings, and tenth for its energy efficiency program and policies. But, the state scored zero points in the natural gas category because there is no natural gas service for customers. As such, the state was unable to earn the additional four points that were available in the category, which would have helped elevate the state to a top ten ranking overall. The state has a plan on achieving 30 percent energy efficiency by 2030. Read more:

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