Thursday, August 6, 2015

Crazy Man Attacks Mother and Daughter!

Ha-ha. Actually, it's Shibata-san trying to scare his beautiful wife, Shima, and daughter, Mayuko. They are here on their annual vacation to Hawaii. Have a good week, everyone!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Comments from Facebook:

    Al: Nice couple to play with or against......very humble and down to earth. Enjoy your vacation Shima and Shibata and Mayuko.

    Chizuko: Wow, Mayuko grew up.

    Curt: Chizuko, yes she is. Pretty soon, Mayuko will challenge you to a set. :)

    Curt: Al, you're right. Shibata and Shima are a pleasure to play with and be around...just like you!

    David: This is a very cute pose for a photo. Your are so creative.

    Kara: Always fun shenanigans at Kapiolani Park. I love it!

    Curt: Shenanigans-R-Us!
