Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mail from Annie (Hiromi's Friend)

I went to Kapiolani today and saw Hiromi. She told me she played yesterday but she also played 3 sets today (1 with me and another one when she played with Maj and I played with Joe. ) After that she and Bob went to the Open Market. We all left at 10 am. I did see Nori on his moped and he came to say hello to us but went to play with other friends.

Hiromi told me that she found the Kapiolani Blog site after I wrote to her about it. She had a difficult time so Bob helped her and I think now she can do it herself. She says she is also starting to write more emails. Good for her!


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  3. Everyone at Diamond Head Tennis complex , especially the morning"Dawn Patrol," would like to send a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY greeting to Keith . We, too, have the pleasure of his company and his kindnesses.

    HAVE A HAPPY AND HEALTHY YEAR, KEITH from your friends at DHTC!!!!

    from Kay, Kirby, Peter, Bob (and the rest of their group}, Ernestine, Makiki John, Bernie, Alex and Annie.

  4. Thank you for sending your messages. Hiro
