Friday, February 6, 2009

Another Beautiful Day in Hawaii

I arrived at the courts at 6:50am this morning and enjoyed watching a set with Susan Spangler's son and his wife from Seattle. The fourth player was Charlie. Another beautiful morning. The ocean was glassy, mirror-like. The tide was low and there seemed to be a south swell with the waves coming in at arounf 2-3 feet; no wind. When you arrive early in the morning, the court lights are on providing us with a sense of day light. We were finally able to play at around 7:30am, after a tight match, a tie breaker! It was a nice break from playing in such strong winds like we experienced over the past few weeks. We had a great match with Jon from Palm Springs, Ryan the hair stylist, Steve, the Roger Federer of Kapiolani Tennis courts and myself, a beginner. While we were playing, more and more people, the regulars, began showing up. It was a tight, fun and competitive match, which we won 6-4 :)! We were able to play one more in respect to the rotational, pick up basis. Another fun match in which we bageled our own Hiro, the administrator of this site and Wayne from Canada. After the match, we walked over the cooler and let Hiro choose the cream cheese of his choice. It was a bundle of joy sharing the bagel with them. Another beautiful day in Hawaii.

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