Monday, April 22, 2013

Meet Alex and Molly

Who are these two young blue-eyed ladies playing tennis at Kapiolani Park this weekend?  Are they:

1.  Students from the University of Hawaii tennis team
2.  Japanese visitors from Tokyo
3.  College tennis coaches
4.  Professional tennis players from Australia
5.  Hiro's sisters
6.  Tennis students from the famous Ozzie Tennis Academy

One of the above is true.  Which is it?

Well, someone finally got the answer right.  See who it is.


  1. 5 fuku's team
    from fuku

  2. Hi Ozzie. I heard these ladies play well because they did the opposite of everything you taught them.

  3. Hi Fuku-chan. You may be right that they're sisters of Hiro. ;) And yes, we all want them on our team. When they hit the ball, there's a loud sound that comes with it. I wish I could hit that hard.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes Take and Nobu, they are sisters of Hiro. Don't the three of them look alike? Ha-ha.

  5. Mason got it right on the Kapiolani Tennis Facebook page. The answer is #3. They are tennis coaches of the Dominican University tennis team which was in Honolulu last weekend to play against Brigham Young-Hawaii University and Hawaii Pacific University. Their school is located in Marin County, California, north of San Francisco. More info is available on these two at:
