The weather at Waikiki in Hawaii, is the best in the world. It is warm and dry throughout the year (70~90F). No hurricanes, no heavy rains, no earthquakes. Money can not buy weather. So here is the best place to play tennis and to realize the successful aging. 常夏のハワイといわれるように気候は世界一。一年を通じて気温は20~30℃、湿度が低いのでカラットしてます。台風、大雨、地震もないです。いくら金持ちでも気候はお金では買えません。青空の下でテニスができたら、心と体の健康に良いでしょう。ハワイで素晴らしい健康的な人生を楽しみましょう。
Friday, September 30, 2011
This morning coffee Alan brought coffee, Alan Kagawa brought doughnut one box and Ruth also brought very sweet cake one box. Because of them, we are very happy. Thank you two Alan and Ruth.
picture, at the court #1 : from left - Lyman, Taka, Susan, Nobuyuki, Yoshi, Eli, Alan Kagawa, coffee Alan, Joyce.
We sincerely thank you for the cooperation by those who post their news and comments. Particularly regular contributors, Hiro, Ben, Yutaka, 2 Yoshis, Chizuko, Ozzie,Ed and Charles. They are great supporters. Posting to blog is quite time-consuming. Take photos, transfer them to your PC, open the blog, lock-in, select the photo to be posted, adjust color shade, brightness and size, write thesentence and occasionally translate it. Even if a work is completed in ten minutes, which is not possible, that translates and contributors have spent more than total 60000 mins, that is,more than 1000 hours so far. (10nin/Post x 6000 Posts= 60000 mins.). We all appreciate it. Please continue to do that for the KPTC people all over the world.
皆様のご協力に心より感謝申し上げます。特に投稿者のHiroさん、Benさん,Yutakaさん、Reikoさん、2人のYoshiさん、Chizukoさん、Ozzieさん、Charlesさんには心より感謝申し上げます。ブログを維持することはそれほど簡単なことではありません。手間もかかりますし、時間もとられます。例えば、写真を撮影し、それをPCに移動し、ブログを開き、ロックインをし、投稿する写真を選択し、色合い、明るさ、大きさを調整し、文章を書き、投稿の一連の作業を、もし10分で行ったとしても、今までに6000件の投稿ですので、10x6000=60000分、すなわち、1000時間以上の時間がさかれております。また、投稿とは別に、投稿の誤字脱字、スペル訂正、誕生日などのトピックの通知,ブログの維持管理 (誹謗、中傷を含む投稿やコメントの監視、削除)等に同じくらいの時間がさらに、さかれております。
For the non-contributers:
To communicate each other is vital in understanding each other, It would be appreciated if you could write and put your appreciations, messages to the birthday people, thanks word, and comments on this blog. (Especially Ben will be happy in reading them). We will be more than happy to give you an orientation how to put your words into "comment" column.
To communicate each other is vital in understanding each other, It would be appreciated if you could write and put your appreciations, messages to the birthday people, thanks word, and comments on this blog. (Especially Ben will be happy in reading them). We will be more than happy to give you an orientation how to put your words into "comment" column.
もしくは、 に写真を添付してメールするだけでこのブログに投稿できますので、よろしく御協力お願いもうしあげます。
Thursday, September 29, 2011
2000th Post in 2011:We appreciate your cooperation.
This is the 2000th posting on this blog in 2011, which average 7 contributions per day.
We sincerely thank you for the cooperation by those who post their news and comments.
Thank you very much, the great supporters.
Google gives us 1000GB to post articles on the blog at the beginning.
I have already posted more than 4000 photos that is about 1000GB memory for 3years.
As I have almost finished the memory for the posting, I could not post as much as before.
I have to buy the memory to post.
I could tell you how to post your photo to the blog step by step.
Otherwise this blog will be closed or will not open to public.
We sincerely thank you for the cooperation by those who post their news and comments.
Thank you very much, the great supporters.
Google gives us 1000GB to post articles on the blog at the beginning.
I have already posted more than 4000 photos that is about 1000GB memory for 3years.
As I have almost finished the memory for the posting, I could not post as much as before.
I have to buy the memory to post.
So you bring your cell Phone with camera or iPhone to KPTC
and you can post to this blog from now.I could tell you how to post your photo to the blog step by step.
Otherwise this blog will be closed or will not open to public.
この投稿が今年 2000番目の投稿になります。これは1日あたり7件以上の投稿になる計算です。皆様のご協力に心より感謝申し上げます。
この投稿が今年 2000番目の投稿になります。これは1日あたり7件以上の投稿になる計算です。皆様のご協力に心より感謝申し上げます。
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Fwd: World Newspapers!
Here is an amazing link.Click on this and once you're on the world maps you can click on any city and get a copy of the day's front page for that city.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Fwd: [Tennis in Hawaii. The Successful Aging in HI. ハワイのテニス仲間. 充実したハワイの老後] New comment on Who is she this bride?.
Susan has left a new comment on your post "Who is she this bride?":
The dress I will wear, (BIG MAHALO to Jaime for making it!!) to my nephew's wedding on October 8 in Ashville, North Carolina at the Biltmore Estate. I can't wait to show my 'fashionista sisters', one the mother of the groom! The other one, Mimi, will have to help me get into it (and out again) as I cannot do it myself. Thanks, Jaime.
Posted by Susan to Tennis in Hawaii. The Successful Aging in HI. ハワイのテニス仲間. 充実したハワイの老後 at September 26, 2011 2:16 PM
The dress I will wear, (BIG MAHALO to Jaime for making it!!) to my nephew's wedding on October 8 in Ashville, North Carolina at the Biltmore Estate. I can't wait to show my 'fashionista sisters', one the mother of the groom! The other one, Mimi, will have to help me get into it (and out again) as I cannot do it myself. Thanks, Jaime.
Posted by Susan to Tennis in Hawaii. The Successful Aging in HI. ハワイのテニス仲間. 充実したハワイの老後 at September 26, 2011 2:16 PM
Who dat?
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
my grandson and granddaughters
Dear Bloggers,
This is Shaun from San Diego with his cousins from South Orange, New Jersey, Sara on his right and Kate on the left. Shaun will be 15 on
Tuesday and was named to the Varsity Hockey Team for his high school. He is a freshman!!!
This is Grama (Froggie, baby) Spangler signing off!
Fwd: WashPost: Few win when challenging Einstein; physicists behind startling European experiment agree
Few win when challenging Einstein; physicists behind startling European experiment agree
By Associated Press
GENEVA — Betting against Einstein and his theory of relativity is a way to go broke.
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Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
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