Monday, March 22, 2010

Steve's Advice12

Cardio Shape:

It is very important, besides playing tennis. From the viewpoint of this, Steve is running around KP during playing tennis, and I am riding a bicycle to access to KPTC. Yutaka and Kiyoshi also are running. Tom (90) said, "The balance between body and leg is the key of successful aging." Look at Tom (90), Chang(90), Charles O.(91) They all have good balance shape between body and leg. Average people have big fat body and small weak legs. IT IS Imbalance. For that balance, Cardio shape; running is the best.

CARDIOとは有酸素運動のことです。 筋肉を鍛えるよりも、体脂肪を燃焼することが目的の比較的軽い運動です。


  1. HI is a good place for running and jogging because of weather. If it is rain, nobody want to run.

  2. Fat people have more fun because we can play a little "average tennis" and than eat at Teddies or Yogurtland. Sometimes life is about enjoying ones self not just winning.

    Just another point of view,


  3. 毎日5時頃からスロージョグを1時間少ししています。自然を感じながら体を動かすことがいい気持ちです。
