Friday, June 20, 2014

The Mystery of the Missing Hibiscus

Our Kapiolani tennis courts used to be surrounded by these lovely hibiscus plants. Then, the plants and flowers just disappeared. The mystery has now been solved. According to one of the park keepers, they removed them to "improve" the landscaping. That is a puzzling action.


  • Al (Honolulu):  To "improve" landscape means to decrease the amount of work as far as the City of Honolulu is concerned...its called "cut back."  Instead of lay off, they cut beautiful plants.
  • Joe C (West Virginia):  That was a terrible decision. I remember those hibiscus flowers and they added beauty to the KPTC at the base of Diamond Head . Hopefully, some additional flowers will be planted there amongst the palm trees.

  • Mikiko (San Diego):  It is a shame. Too bad, Miki

    Kara (Los Angeles):  What???? How can they think removing them will improve the landscaping? Those lovely hibiscus were what added color and beauty and made the park more beautiful.
  • Ted (Canada):  Those beautiful hibiscus plants have been there for many-many years.


  1. I was suprised because our friends react from West Virginia, San Diego, LA, Canada. Thank you Joe, Mikiko, Kara, Ted for you are interested about KPTC
    blog always. We missed you so much, See you soon at the Kapiolani.

  2. According to Dwayne our groundskeeper the Hibiscus became deceased and had to be eliminated in order to save the the rest of the plants around the tennis courts. Dwayne is very nice and seems concerned about our courts.
