Ozzie and Sandy just completed a vacation in the Northwest. They're just enjoying the retired life, traveling, spreading good cheer, and spending time with the grandkids, family, and friends. Have fun, you two!
The weather at Waikiki in Hawaii, is the best in the world. It is warm and dry throughout the year (70~90F). No hurricanes, no heavy rains, no earthquakes. Money can not buy weather. So here is the best place to play tennis and to realize the successful aging. 常夏のハワイといわれるように気候は世界一。一年を通じて気温は20~30℃、湿度が低いのでカラットしてます。台風、大雨、地震もないです。いくら金持ちでも気候はお金では買えません。青空の下でテニスができたら、心と体の健康に良いでしょう。ハワイで素晴らしい健康的な人生を楽しみましょう。
Monday, June 30, 2014
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Member of "The OOPPS Club" Pauline's Original Oil Paintings are exhibited at the Honolulu Hale Courtyard.
Paintings Exhibited June 23~July 17 2014
Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
530 King Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
Free Parking after 5pm@ Fasi Municipal Parking Lot. Alapai Street
Metered Parking on Punchbowl StreetJohan Family
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Sayonara Ayako いいサーブだ!!
Ayako ポイントを取った後のサーブ・バック側を狙って打ち込みました。Mason サーブが狙い通りの所に打ち込まれているので余裕を持ってベースラインで相手のリターンを待っています。サーブの方向を確認しリターンボールを予測して対応がポイントに繋がりますね。
Friday, June 27, 2014
Progressive supranuclear palsy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Progressive supranuclear palsy | |
Classification and external resources | |
Main anatomical plans and axes applied to the sections of the brain.
| |
ICD-10 | G23.1 |
ICD-9 | 333.0 |
OMIM | 601104 |
DiseasesDB | 10723 |
MedlinePlus | 000767 |
MeSH | D013494 |
Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) (or the Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome, after the Canadian physicians who described it in 1963) is a degenerative disease involving the gradual deterioration and death of specific volumes of the brain.[1][2]
To Ozzie
Ozzie my friend. So sorry to hear of your illness. I know you are strong and will not let this disease beat you. Even if you are unable to play tennis you will still be a positive force at the tennis courts. I'm sure you are planning the next pot luck already. Take care my friend. We are thinking of you.
Ed & Diana
Ed & Diana
To Ozzie:
10 Japanese secrets for your health and successful aging.
1.less meat, more vegetable
2.less salt, more vinegar
3.less sugar, more fruit
4.less eating, more biting
5.less putting cloth, more taking bath or spa
6. less speaking, more doing
7. less for myself, more volunteer
8. less wander, more sleeping
9. less car, more walking
10. less anger, more laugh
11. More smile from hiro's advice.
2.less salt, more vinegar
3.less sugar, more fruit
4.less eating, more biting
5.less putting cloth, more taking bath or spa
6. less speaking, more doing
7. less for myself, more volunteer
8. less wander, more sleeping
9. less car, more walking
10. less anger, more laugh
11. More smile from hiro's advice.
To Ozzie:
To Ozzie:
God bless you my friwnd. I will pray for you @nd hooe u feel better. Thinking positive always wins.

Just wanted to let you know that I am having some health issues. I thought it was my eyes, but turns out I have a disease known as PSP or progressive supranuclear palsy. If you have any interest, just google PSP. The disease is fairly rare, only affecting about 1 in every 100,000. Don't know how I got so lucky (lol). So no tennis for me, I might try golf.
Love, Ozzie

Sayonara Yutaka
Yutaka 1ヵ月の滞在が終わり12時30分のJAL便で名古屋に向かいました。この後沖縄北谷で梅雨が終わるのを待ち7月15日桑名に帰ります。今回弟の Akira とスケジュールを合わせ一緒にカピオラニ・コートでテニスを楽しみ充実した時間を過ごしました。次回9月1日にやって来ます。
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Charlie's Angels...Not! It's More LIke "Charlie's Bandits" :)
Just kidding. :) Here are the bandits beginning from the left, Charlie, Khal, Jami, David, Doi and Luis. Charlie is doing very well and appears to have lost more weight. Khal is on vacation until August. Jami is back after vacationing back in her home state of Oklahoma. David hurt his left thumb and can't serve; do you see the bandage? Doi is also doing very well and just happy that Mindy let him out to play tennis with his friends. And after being away for awhile, Luis joined us for some competitive Sunday morning tennis. Good to see you all. :)
Setsuko , Kenji (Yokohama Aoba-Ku)
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Kazuo , Kazuko (Tokyo Bunkyo-ku)
いつもは、10月にやって来ていましたが今回初めての6月日本の梅雨逃れで2週間滞在でやって来ました。昨年リタイヤし Kazuko にテニスを教えゲームができる位になって来たのでカピオラニコートに来て成果を確かめようとコートに来ました。ゲームを楽しみ Kazuko ボレーを随所に決め Kazuo 練習の成果が出て一安心!!
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Howdy from West Virginia
Sayonara Akira
Monday, June 23, 2014
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Some Players Walk a Few Blocks to Kapiolani Park to Play Tennis; Lolo & Mimi Flew Nearly 20 Hours by Jet
There are few people who travel as far as Lolo and Mimi to come to Hawaii. They are from Paris, France, and were recently married last fall. Congratulations to the both of you and may you both have a long and loving relationship. They leave the islands on June 28. Take care and enjoy your vacation, Lolo and Mimi!
Minoru , Motoko (Tokyo Hachioji)
娘の結婚式で久し振りのハワイにやって来ました。情報を調べカピオラニでテニスができることを知り楽っとを持参しカピオラニ・テニスコートにやって来ました。二人とも久し振りのテニス Yutaka と Mimi がゲームの相手をし気持ちよいテニスを楽しみました。
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Left:Kuniyoshi , Sumiko , Tsuneo やって来ました
Friday, June 20, 2014
The Mystery of the Missing Hibiscus
Our Kapiolani tennis courts used to be surrounded by these lovely hibiscus plants. Then, the plants and flowers just disappeared. The mystery has now been solved. According to one of the park keepers, they removed them to "improve" the landscaping. That is a puzzling action.
Al (Honolulu): To "improve" landscape means to decrease the amount of work as far as the City of Honolulu is concerned...its called "cut back." Instead of lay off, they cut beautiful plants.
Mikiko (San Diego): It is a shame. Too bad, Miki
Kara (Los Angeles): What???? How can they think removing them will improve the landscaping? Those lovely hibiscus were what added color and beauty and made the park more beautiful.
Ted (Canada): Those beautiful hibiscus plants have been there for many-many years.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Akira , Toshiko (Tokyo Koutou-ku)
ゴルフとテニスを楽しむ Akira & Toshiko オアフに1週間とマウイに1週間の滞在でやって来ました。Yutaka と同じ会社で働いていた Akira と6年前偶然ワイキキで会い Yutaka の誘いでカピオラニコートで Akira & Toshiko テニスを楽しむようになりました。金曜日にマウイに向かいます。11月息子の結婚式でハワイに来ます。
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Nobuhiko (Tokyo Tama-shi) Toru (kanagawa Sagamihara)
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Bob GrebさんがBridgette Adams Grebさんの写真をシェアしました。
47分前 ·
Here's Bob playing pickleball. The Villages provides the balls and ice water for every court.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Sayonara Mitsuo son Kunihiko
16日午後便で千葉に帰る Mitsuo , Kunihiko 早起きして6時20分頃コートにやって来ました。メンバーがしばらく揃わない中ウォーミングアップを Yutaka と3人で行いその後2ゲーム楽しみました。ゲームが終わる頃 Koji , Yuko , Ricky が揃いしばらくベンチで談笑しテニスコートを後にしました。
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Hi Ayako and Noby
On this day, the courts were rained out and they hung around for a short time so I could take this photo. I don't know too much about Noby but, Ayako is a very nice lady. She says that she enjoys swimming, reading, sleeping, and drinking. Of course, she laughed when she said "sleeping and drinking." That's our good friend, Ayako. :)
毎週第3日曜日朝7時カピオラニ公園噴水前スタート 10Km レース クイーンカピオラニ銅像前(ホノルルマラソン・ゴール)ゴールでホノルルマラソン・クリニックが行われました。参加料無料で登録するとゼッケンがもらえタイムを記録してくれます。毎月参加することで10Kmのタイムが判り12月のマラソンに繋がります。
Saturday, June 14, 2014
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