Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Rain delay

You can practice your golf swing in the rain while waiting for the rain to stop. And also you can dance, remember Curt?


  1. Why is Steve practicing his golf swing when everyone else is squeegeeing the courts?

    No, I don't remember. What's a dance?

  2. Its me. Isn't it a great shot? As for squeezing, no other person was squeezing at that moment. Some were dancing in the rain.

  3. I mean great shot of the green grass and DH. Hahaha

  4. It's a fine shot all right. I should've been there doing the rain dance as well. One, Two, three, cha cha cha!

  5. Hahaha...I rock to the good old rock and roll especially when the brian brothers are playing. But whatever works to stop the rain like today.
