Friday, June 11, 2010

How can I comment? コメントの書き方。

This morning someone asked me " I want to post my comment to the blog but I don't know how to do that."
We really need it. Everybody are concerned about this blog. Leave "comment". More comments, more fun!!

1.step : click comment
2.step : write your comment in the box.
3.step : If you have no Google Account, leave your name(if you want)
4.step : Choose " comment as"---Anonymous
5.step : click Preview, check any mistake
6.step : click Post comment
7. You can read "Your comment was published"

Hiro~ Can you translate in Japanese? I think many Japanese will do comment.

1. ”コメント”を押してください。
2. 枠の中にコメントをお書きください。
3. グーグルアカウントをお持ちでなければお名前を書いてください。
4." comment as"---Anonymousを選択してください。
5. ”Preview”を押してください。ミスがないか確認してください。
6. ”Post comment”を押してください。
7. 完成


  1. How do I post a picture?

  2. Very good and very impoetant question.
    First you must make your Google Account, then you you can post any pictures or articles on our blog. Please ask Horo, he is a this blog founder.
    Hiro will ask your email address because he will send to you " Google Account invitation"
    If you received invitatin then ask Hiro next step. If you don't mind he will visit your house because to explaine every step using your computer
    If you have computer and digital camera. You
    should be very enjoy this job.

  3. June 02~13, 2010
