The weather at Waikiki in Hawaii, is the best in the world. It is warm and dry throughout the year (70~90F). No hurricanes, no heavy rains, no earthquakes. Money can not buy weather. So here is the best place to play tennis and to realize the successful aging. 常夏のハワイといわれるように気候は世界一。一年を通じて気温は20~30℃、湿度が低いのでカラットしてます。台風、大雨、地震もないです。いくら金持ちでも気候はお金では買えません。青空の下でテニスができたら、心と体の健康に良いでしょう。ハワイで素晴らしい健康的な人生を楽しみましょう。
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Coffee Alan の Bike
Coffee Alan この自転車にコーヒーを積んでテニスコートにやって来ました。後ろの荷台にコーヒーポット,カップ,シュガー,クリームを乗せてエクササイズを兼ね時々この Bike でやって来ます。 Alan は、この Bike で Century Ride に出るようなことはありません。
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Aloha to Take, Asaki, and Nobu!
Asaki is their granddaughter. Asaki's mother and Nobu/Take's daughter, Maki, has now arrived in the islands.
Century Bike Ride お知らせ
Friday, September 27, 2013
Joyce ウォーミングアップ
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
He's Back!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Aloha, Sanae and Shigeki
From the left, it's Sanae, Shigeki, Hiromi, and Boob. Back in junior high school, Shigeki was a good friend of Hiromi's friend. On Sunday, Shigeki and Sanae returned back home to Osaka. Take care you two. It was great playing with you and we hope to see you again soon in the islands.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
The Three Wise Men of Kapiolani Park
It's Khal, Boston Charlie, and Ben!
Chizuko: Hi guys!!!
Al: Please say to these people...Khal, Charlie and Ben :-)

Saturday, September 21, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
Look up in the Sky...
It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's SuperMeg! She's faster than a speeding Charlie. More powerful than Ozzie. And able to leap over Sachi in a single bound!
Note: This is the Unisphere which was built for the 1964 World's Fair in New York City. It's located in Flushing Meadows and is about 100+ yards away from the south gate of the U.S. Open.
Note: This is the Unisphere which was built for the 1964 World's Fair in New York City. It's located in Flushing Meadows and is about 100
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Ryoko,Seiji (Yokohama) Reiko,Toshie (Hyogo)
ハワイでテニスを楽しもうと姉妹で誘い合ってやってきました。カピオラニのプレーヤーとゲームをするのは、初めてなのでカピオラニローカルルールを Yutaka が説明しゲームを始めました。気持ちのよい天候と素敵な景色の中で楽しいプレーができました。次回は、何度もできるようコートに足を運びます。
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