Sunday, March 31, 2013



Happy Easter everyone!!

                        Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me
                        will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never
                        die. Do you believe this?"    (John 11:25,26)

Saturday, March 30, 2013



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Happy Easter, Everyone!

This is the historic Kawaiaha'o Church in Honolulu.  I'll be covering the Sunrise Celebration from 5:30 AM as a photographer before Meg and I head to the Kapiolani tennis courts.

Elaine & Merry will go back to their Dalaware home tomorrow, therefore every one said to them "good bye see you next year Jan again"

from left : Mason, Diana, George, Merry, Elaine, Ed, Walter, Harry, Bob, Barbara, Helen.

Keith, Diana, Ed, Susan,Shirley are sad because Walter will leave Monday.

Tonight Theresa will go back to her Regina Saskatchewan Canada home, therefore Barbara and Theresa took a commemorative photograph for farewell.

談笑中の Sandy , Steve , Charlie

カピオラニ・テニスコート中央ベンチで談笑する Sandy , Steve , Charlie です。ほぼ毎日8時頃 Charlie がテニスコートに現れこの中央ベンチに腰掛けています。各コートでプレーしたメンバーや待機中のプレーヤーが Charlie に声をかけに出てきます。プレーの合間にこうやって声を掛け合うのがいいですね。

Friday, March 29, 2013


Bob & Walter

Walter 中央深い位置に来たボールを相手コート中央に打ち返しました。Bob は、Walter がリターンボール処理をどの位置に打つのか確認し次のポジションを決めようとしています。

Happy birthday Nori-san Mar 30 (Japan time today)!!

Ozzie & Sandy will go to their Edmonds home today, Good bye see you soon!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Wayne, Eveline, Fran, Yuko.

Masako will go to her Kyoto home today.

I want to meet her and Nori-san Apr 2 night at the Kyoto station with Sachiko.



Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Who Is that Lady with Ben?

It's Ben's daughter, Judy.  And, she is a fine tennis player.  Periodically, they show up to thrash us on the courts.  ;)

Yuko with 8 years old friend Everine and with Wayne.

Fuku, Walter, Theresa.

Today John will go to his Oklahoma home and Tai & Machiko return to their San Francisco area home.

Tai & Machiko will return to here again May.


David のサーブどこに打たれてくるのか Kazu スイングを見ながらフォアのコーナよりに入って来ると少しサイドよりに位置を変え対応しています。Yutaka クロスにリターンボールが打たれるだろうと中間位置で構え Steve もどこにリターンされてもいいように構えています。どちらもいい体勢で待っています。

Real Fuji and 3D Fuji

写真: 今日も美しい…

Diana, Theresa, George, Frances, Dick, Steve and Sandy at the Tiki Grill

It is Tuesday night at the Tiki Grill and KPTC is very well represented.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013



Bye Bye Big John

It's Jami with her dad, John.  He is returning to Oklahoma.

Monday, March 25, 2013


爽やかな風を感じ青空が広がるテニスコート これだけの環境でゲームが出来るので熱戦が繰り広げられます。カピオラニ・テニスコート毎日テニスを楽しむプレーヤー達が沢山集まり楽しく熱戦を繰り広げています。

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Miki, Hiromi and Bob ate with us at The Happy Day Restaurant

Meg tries to hide but not Ruth or Masako

No tennis today for Dr. Gerry and Miki but they had lunch with us.



Takako plays in the rain

Steve doesn't know its raining

Frances is always all wet

Tai is from N. Cal. so he always plays in the rain

Miki likes the rain

Masa is also getting wet

Theresa is playing tennis in the rain today

Ben goes to Japan April 1

This is Ben when he arrives at Tokyo Airport
                            Ben : Ed, what happened? baggage is changed, this blue one is not mine.

Ben will meet Hiro in japan

This is how Ben and Hiro will travel in Japan
                            Ben : I want to distribute these souvenir to every KPTC partners.

Nori will go to his Kyoto home today but soon will come back.