Sunday, February 28, 2010

Yasuko invites KP tennis partners to her beautiful garden in Narita Japan.

This photo was made by ED. (Photo shop).
I sent to ED only a picture of garden by e-mail, in which nobody is there.

Chang and JC finish up and head for home

Curtis (front) and Randy (rear) play another tough match

No damage from the Tsunami at KPTC.
Thanks, KP tennis fellows in the world.

悔しがる Sachi

狭いコースを狙ったフォアのストレートが決めてやろうという思いがコモッタ分僅かにバックアウトし思い切り Sachi が悔しがりました。ここで決めよう,このポイントを取れば 等など思ったショットは、シバシバ アウトになりますね。そう思うことでいつもよりエンドルフィンが多くでてパワーが強くなるんですね。

Meg and Charlie say goodbye to Fumiko

From Fumiko on Feb 27th

明日(2/28)のフライトで帰国なのでKpの皆様にご挨拶にと思って7時半ころ着いたのですが津波警報のためコートには一人の姿もなく、しばらくいたのですがコートにいることが不謹慎かなと思いビーチをゆっくり散歩しながら帰りました。あとで聞いたらOzzieや玲子さんもそのころちょっとの差でコートにいたようです。結果的に何もなくてよかったのですが最後の日に皆様にご挨拶できずに残念でした。また皆様とテニスコートでお会いするのを楽しみにしています!  Fumiko

Mura, Domingo and Sergio from Argentina

Mura -san is going back to Japan, tomorrow.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

I'm leaving for HI

It was snowing this morning in Chiba but it's raining right now and still cold. I saw 1m Tsunami in Maui on TV. how's Waikiki and KP area? I hope no problem there. We have an evacuation recommendation about Tsunami; the northeast area and some trains withhold in Chiba, Japan. Anyway, I'll leave here tonight and going to HI:) See you soon guys!!! Play tennis safely:)

This is a photo of the Ala Wai Canal before the lst tsunami hit today, February 27th in 2010.

This is a photo of the Ala Wai Canal before the lst tsunami hit today, February 27th. There is another photo later.

Photo by Pauline.

This is a photo of the Ala Wai Canal after Tsunami hit.

The canal just as the lst tsunami hit, showing all the mud coming up from the bottom and pushing the water up the canal.

1m Tsunami might hit these area in Honolulu

The risk of flooding with a 1-meter of sea level rise. King St is on the upper-side of the map.
So Waikiki is definitely under 1m of sea level.






Bill from RI and Kyoko from Japan

Tunami Warning: KP Tennis Court Closed

2月27日6時15分テニスコート到着 James とウォーミングアップをしているとパトカーが2台テニスコート脇に横付けになりTunamiが来るから全てクローズ帰れとマイクで指示されました。荷物を片付けてコートを引き上げてくると今日から始まる Art Festival 準備していた人たちも荷物をまとめて引き上げ始めました。チリで発生した8.8マグニチュードの地震による津波11時18分ワイキキに来る予報が出ています。何事も無いことを望んでいます。

Lunch with Keone

Our friend Keone has opened a new restaurant. He has resigned his position at the Gateway Hotel.

The new restaurant is:

Blazin Steaks-Atkinson

1695 Kapiolani Boulevard, Honolulu, HI 96814-4703

Boston Charlie and I are inviting everyone from Kapialoni Tennis to join us on Tuesday March 2nd for lunch with Keone.

We will meet at the courts at 11:00 AM and proceed to Blazin Steaks.

Please RSVP,


Friday, February 26, 2010

Stella & her husband Lee will go back home tomorrow.

Stella was born in Treviso Italy near Venice, but she lives in Victoria BC Canada for the last 20 years. She likes singing and teaching piano. She works with eye doctors as an optometry assistant. She loves to play tennis, drink wine and eat Italian food. She grunts while playing tennis, like Shrapova. Stella's husband Lee distributed some donuts to all her tennis partners. She likes KPTC so much, we will meet them again next year. Mahalo~

おめかし Tom & Fumiko

テニスコートにゲームをしないけれど顔を出した Tom & Fumiko いつものテニスウェアーでなく素敵な恰好で現れたので皆ビックリ!! Tom & Fumiko 共にいつもと違う雰囲気を漂わせ寄り添って写真を撮るとお似合いのカップル ホンワカとした空気がテニスコートに漂いました。

Don from B.C. Canada and France from NY

Steve's tennis clinic (Advice)

1. Chin over left shoulder.
You have to look at the direction where tennis ball comes from. So your chin must be on your left shoulder even if you turn your body to hit the ball. That means that you should look at the ball anytime.

2. In anther words, "Vision" is important.
Turn your head more towards the ball for better vision

The below one shows a bad example. When you turn your body, your head also turn with your body. No good. In this case, it is very difficult to watch the ball.

Steve studies very hard by himself using inert-net about not only tennis but also everything else. He knows how to study and to solve problems. That is very important for our life.

Thanks, Steve.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Nori: first HOLE-IN -ONE of his life yesterday.

In the Ala Wai golf course No 11 hole, par 3, 195 yards, Nori's tee shot drops on the green very close to the flag and rolls over and over into the cup.
Even Nori himself can't believe what happened. Coffee Allen, his partner signed Nori's score card as a witness. But Nori postponed treating Allen to dinner because Allen is leaving for Seattle last night. Congratulation Nori!!!

Happy Birthday message from Roger Federer.

Ozzie~ Federer is your best friend? Please call him, let's try play double with Federer at the KPTC. (This photo from ED)


It was shower a little bit this morning I had a hunch that it might see rainbow and I play and watch sky. Then a rainbow appeared in Waikiki area. That was one rainbow first but after a while over again. Rainbow showing up during my game
so I did good a forehand topspin, yeah:)

Connie and Mohamed from Canada

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

From Chiyo-san

そして再度のブログへの招待状、ありがとうございました。 いま、手続きできたみたいです。
Hello, it's been warm and nice here. Many thanks for everything in KP and thank you that invitation for this blog I tried then I did it maybe.........I'm not sure actually. I'll try to write something next time. Anyway, say hello to everybody.

1/2 volleys

Whether you are a serve and volley player or someone who finds himself/herself at the net from time to time the 1/2 volley can spell trouble. When you are forced to hit a 1/2 volley you are typically on the defensive end of the point and you must react quickly. You are forced to hit up on the ball and it is tough to generate a lot of pace. Rarely 1/2 volleys are hit for winners but they can be hit offensively if you execute the shot correctly. Let's take a look at some tips to help you hit a successful 1/2 volley.

James & Yutaka

早朝プレーヤーの James & Yutaka 朝6:30二人なのでシングルスをやろーということになりシングルスを楽しみました。激しく長いラリーが続き二人ともコートを走り回りいいショットがお互いに続き1ポイント取るのに10本から15本のラリーを続けました。Yutaka 6-2 James 1セット1時間係りました。

James and Sherly

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


It's day off today and I decided to watch the movie and I stuck in traffic I missed the movie which wanted to watch.......
I was walking the park because it was nice day so I found cherry tree Kawazu zakura(early cherry blossoms) are in full bloom. It's made me feel better spring has come soon.

From Joe

Aloha Hiro: I am back in COLD West Virginia for my scheduled cancer screenings but I made a comment on the blog wishing Ozzie a Happy Birthday.... see you in a week when I return to Waikiki. I have an appointment with Dr. Oishi about getting my knee "scoped" when I return. Take care, friend. Much aloha.

Judith's tennis partner in Portland Jill Neuwelt came to KP to meet Judy.

Jill was born in Vienna, Austria, but now she lives in Portland,Oregon. She has been there for the last 20 years or more.
Jill and Judith are members of the same tennis club in Portland.
This is her third time visiting Hawaii. She can stay here only one week.

happy bday ozman

happy birthday ozzie....just going thru the blogg and found out it was your birthday....have a great day......stop by the lava rock at the int marketplace at 430 and i will buy u a drink....
once again happy 60th bday(lol)

wayne and sam

Ron and Ikuko

Ron のサーブ・センター方向に入ろうとしているので Ikuko センターに半歩体を寄せリターンボールに備えています。ボールが入った場所から返って来るコースを予測し体を半歩動かすことがリターンボールの対応に効果的です。この後リターンボールがセンターよりに返り Ikuko が予測通りボレーでポイントを取りました。

Ben and Don from Canada

Happy Birthday, Ozzie-san.

You are the best entertainer in the world. "Ichi-ban entertainer."
We wish your happiness and successful aging.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Beautiful Rose Garden at Narita; Yasuko's house


Close in on Your Volleys

Being lazy and not closing in while hitting your volleys can cause you to hit more defensive volleys or even hit the ball into the net. When you do not close in on your volleys you are not nearly as effective as you could be. If you wait for the ball to come to you the ball will be slower, lower and cause you to hit more of a defensive volley. When you are at the net you want to be as offensive as much as each shot will allow you to be. You must move to the ball and not wait for the ball to come to you.



Bill, Chad, Nellie, Charles, Akemi, Koba and Doi

Akemi is dancing Luau and hula at the tennis court. She is now an expert in hula.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


朝6時15分No2コート最初のプレーヤーが集まりました。殆ど毎日のように同じような顔ぶれが最初のプレーヤーになります。Charles,Tom and Judy,Yutaka でゲームを開始し長いラリー,鋭いショット,ドロップショット,長く深いロブ,ストレート,クロスといいボールがコートを行き交い 6-3 で Judy,Yutaka ペア勝利 早起きプレーは、日差しが柔らかく気持ちよくプレーできます。

Ben and Takashi Ozaki

Saturday, February 20, 2010

福井さんからのyuigon Yo-Chui Z

Keone, Don Trider, Connie & Mohamed Doma

Four golfers in the West Loch yesterday.

Ed, Diana, Ben and Fumiko had an exciting day of golf on Friday.Fumiko was a superstar. She shot a total score of 84 with 39 on the front nine and 45 on the back nine. She made 2 birdies and 5 pars. Diana was next lowest. Ben and Ed came in last.
Fumiko was so thrilled she was singing, clapping and dancing on the 18th green.
Other golfers probably thought she was crazy. She was singing to us in Japanese all the way home. She was so happy she treated everyone to dinner after match.
Ben said the reason she played so well is because he was driving the cart and acting as her caddy, Ed said "sorry Ben I don't think so" Diana asked Fumiko if she was going on the ladies professional golf tour. (This mail from Ed)



Korean Ben and Stella from B.C.