Thursday, September 30, 2010

Husband (Ed) & wife(Diana) together father(Yoshi) & son(Ricky) play golf in the Ewa Beach GC today.

The largest number of millionaires in Hawaii.

A study on U.S. millionaires, released Wednesday, found that Hawaii has the largest number of millionaires per capita in that country.

The report by the Phoenix Affluent Marketing Service found that 6.9 per cent of Hawaii's households could be classified as millionaires.
There may only be some 28,000 millionaire households in this state, but when you consider that there are less than half a million Hawaiian households in total, that number starts to seem a lot bigger.

So if you're ever vacationing in Hawaii and are a little short on money to pay a bill, don't worry, there's a good chance you should be able to find someone there who could pick up the check.
Of course, in all seriousness, it's no paradise being rich in Hawaii.
The state is known for having a high cost of living and last year they enacted a steep 11% income tax on anyone making more than $200,000. And yet, even with that added tax, Hawaii is still facing a severe budget crisis and there's no doubt that the poorer Hawaiians probably wish these millionaires would do even more to help.
Total number of millionaire households: 28,363
Percent of population that are millionaires: 6.41
Median household income: $66,701

Can money buy happiness?
In fact, life generally becomes “a lot more complicated”
having more money often means more problems,
having money “brings about as many problems as it solves.”
“Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy you the kind of misery you prefer.”

Yutaka & Pauline

早起きプレーヤー Pauline とゲームをしているとビッグレインボーが現れました。ゲームを中断しビッグレインボーを背景に早速写真を撮ろうと Yutaka と Pauline でポーズをとり Charles に撮って貰いました。チョッピリシャワーがあると素敵な虹が出てうれしくなってしまいます。

From John H.

John Henry’s Cafe, 1785 East Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs is Re-Opening for the Season Wednesday October 6, 2010. “Word of Mouth” is our Best Advertisement and now there’s E-mail too!! Let your friends know and Come join in Opening Night Festivities!

Taste Our New Menu Items and Enjoy Our Same Great Prices!

Check Out our New Website at
and find out “The Buzz” at the Cafe.

See you Opening night!!

John Henry and Angelo

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Nori and Bill

Steve in Orange and Reiko in Pink make rainbow

Keith and Dr. Jerry play tennis together

Yutaka is a wonderfull player

Masa and Takako went back to Japan, too.

Jake went back to Japan today. Thanks for your "Yoishyo."

When he hits the ball, he always says "Yoisho."

Susan , Ted , Joan

SusanとTedペア若干劣勢でゲームカウント0-3コートチェンジ Susanが次のサービス Joan へボールを渡しコートチェンジに向います。 Ted は、挽回をどうしようと考えながらコートチェンジに向っています。今までの流れからこの後どうしようと考えながらコートチェンジに向うことで次のゲームに対応できるんですね。

Lovebird couple Ed & Diana.

Ed and Diana watching Floral parade that started from Magic Island all the way to Ala Moana Bivd and Kalakaua Ave toward our Kapiolani Park. It was on Sep.25. Many music bands led by Royal Hawaiian Band and followed amazingly performing high school bands beautifully decorated flower floats.
(photo and writing from Yoshi)

Diane & Sachiko

Because of good combination of their height,ladies team won against men's team Ben & Bill (photo from Yoshi)

Court #1 full

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Yutaka-san shoelace

He used his white shoelace for fixing the net. So he bought new shoelace.



Monday, September 27, 2010


Yutaka-san fixed the net

Hiromi & Monica

ゲームポイントを取ったので足取りも軽やかな Hiromiさん Monica は、次のゲームへの対応を考えながらコートチェンジに足を運んでいます。こうやってゲームを取ってコートチェンジその時間に色々思ってゆったり歩いてくるのがいいんですね。

Fantastic autumn colors scenery of Japan.

Norifumi Nakagaki sent to me these photos.
He says "The Japan spring and autumn are beautiful best,ha ha ha"

Sunday, September 26, 2010


ホノルル・センチュリーライド (Honolulu Century Ride) 1981年以来毎年9月の最終日曜日に開催されている、サイクリングイベントで最長100マイルを走る事から「センチュリー」の名を取って命名されました。沢山の参加者が日本からも自転車持込で来ています。この日までワイキキ界隈トレーニングに励む人達で賑わっていました。6時30分100マイル(160Km)がスタートして行きました。

The first snow on Mt.Fuji in Japan.

This is the day before yesterday.
Thank you so much to everyboday.

From Tom, Tom

Long time since I wrote you,Hiro! Had a bladder infection for the last 10 days but think I:ve won the battle! Also had a corn on my right foot that kept me off my feet except for short distances. Saw "Mo" on the blog last Wed and he looked happy with Yiriko,Shirley and the others! I keep up with the Honolulu weather too. Say "hello" to everyone and that I miss all of you so much!!

Now Korea maybe Japan also weather get into autumn mood. I long for my country mountain side fantastic autumn colors scenery.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nori Nakada Farewell Party 7

Kyoto Nori and Masako organized this party. We all appreciate it.

Mason pushes the fence

6時20分コートに行くと Maison がNo2コートでストレッチをしてメンバーが揃うのを待っていました。毎日6時30分頃ゲームメンバー4人揃うのでストレッチや相手がいればボールを打ってウォーミングアップすることでゲームに向けて準備が出来ます。早起きテニス最高です!!

History of KPTC. In 1989. Photos by Ryo Onodera.

Hitomi, Ben and Jake

Sheena Iyengar on the art of choosing | Video on

Sheena Iyengar on the art of choosing | Video on


From WV Joe: monkey bread

Friday, September 24, 2010

Reiko & Steve

Reiko と Steve コートサイドで情報交換 熱心にメモを取って確認している Reikoさん 色々な情報をこうやって収集することで新発見がありますよね。テニスコートに沢山ロコが来ているので色々な情報を集めることができます。ロングステイの人達からも色々な情報が集まりますよ。

Australian couple Ken & Karen Banks.

They live in Pacific Palms, where is 4 hours driving distance from north side of Sydney.
This year they came here on Sep 1st and will go back to their home on Nov 5th.
They like KPTC very much so they will visit again next year and stay here, from Aug~ to Oct, for three months.

History of KPTC. In 1989. Photos by Ryo Onodera.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nori Nakada Farewell Party 6

Nori Nakada Farewell Party 5

2004 Xmas party(3) : Curt, Meggie, Kyoshi, Shirley, Kazue, Nori.

2004 Xmas party(2) Charlie, Doi, Mindy, Diane, Frank.

2004 Xmas party(1) Charlie Berndtson & Charlie Wolf {photo from Boston Charlie}


テニスコートからの帰りバスに乗っているとフードパントリー前バス停から Allan が手押し車を押しながらバスに乗ってきました。体は、元気なんですが足が弱って長い時間立ったり歩いたりできないので手押し車と自動車椅子を併用しながら外出しこの日は、アラモアナSCまでバスで行くのだと言っていました。89歳までテニスをし膝を痛めテニスができないが92歳で元気だと言っていました。

History of KPTC. In 1989. Photos by Ryo Onodera.

History of KPTC. In 1989. Photos by Ryo Onodera.

History of KPTC. In 1989. Photos by Ryo Onodera.

History of KPTC. In 1989. Photos by Ryo Onodera.

History of KPTC. In 1989. Photos by Ryo Onodera.