Monday, May 14, 2012

Would You Play Tennis with these Guys?

Play tennis at Kapiolani Park!  The players are nice and friendly.  Don't be scared.  They don't bite--I think.   Hmmm.  Then again, I think they do bite.

It's Masa, Nobu, Kawai, and Fuku.  Did you notice that Masa finally came out of his shell?  Well, sort of anyway.  :o)

The translation of the above into Japanese is:

テニスのカピオラニ公園で !選手たちは素晴らしいフレンドリーです。怖がってはいけない。彼らをかむしないでください - 私は思います。うーん。その後、再び、彼らかまですかと思います。

I used the Bing Translator.  Can someone with knowledge of both Japanese and English let me know if the above was translated properly?


  1. Is it dangerous to tennis at Kapiolani?

  2. You're right, Elaine. It sure could be dangerous to play at Kapiolani. Just look at these players.
