Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fwd: translation-5/26

Here comes my favorite ball
  The opponent returned a ball to the point that Reiko could hit
  her favorite shot.  With adequate distance between the ball and
  her body, her left arm well drawn backward and the right arm leading
  the hitting position, she was about to hit the ball with drive
  to crosswise direction. Yuriko was standing in the middle since
  she knew Reiko was going to hit her favorite shot. The ball went
  deep into crossing place and earned a point.
To Ben cc Hiro
  I, Yoshi, will be back to Honolulu 5/27 Friday and probably be at
  the court 5/30 Monday.  Let's talk if we should continue the
  translation from Japanese to English.     Yoshi  


  1. Yoshiさんいつもありがとうございます。梅雨が迫ってきた次期にハワイ行き絶好ですね。今後ともよろしくお願いします。

  2. Thank you Yoshi,

    We "English only" speakers do want to know what the Japanese are saying
