Monday, April 25, 2011

Fwd: [Tennis in Hawaii. The Successful Aging in Hawaii. ハワイのテニス仲間. 成功したハワイでの老後] New comment on 睨みを利かすモミの木.

Ozzie has left a new comment on your post "睨みを利かすモミの木":

There is a place on Waikiki that most often during the months of January, February, and March has been known as the happiest place on earth. It's a place where old friends and locals meet up each year after having spent the other months of the year at their homes, but come together during the winter months in Waikiki to celebrate being together, getting social, learning a new culture and to play tennis. I'm talking about the tennis courts in Kapiolani Park.
The locals and visitors even have special descriptive names. Coffee Ben, boston Charlie, Tall Steve, Korean Ben, while the hailes struggle to learn the Japanese names. But learn them they do because it's important.

Posted by Ozzie to Tennis in Hawaii. The Successful Aging in Hawaii. ハワイのテニス仲間. 成功したハワイでの老後 at April 25, 2011 4:37 AM

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