Thursday, December 31, 2009

This Year Perfect Posting to this Blog, Yutaka-san.

ユタカさんは雨の日も風の日も、ハワイにいる時もいない時も、今年1日も欠かさずブログに投稿してくださいました。皆勤賞です。ブログを毎日書くには、たいへんな労力を必要としますので、なかなかできることではありません。脱帽します。ありがとうございます。 (この写真チョッピリ若いです)


Tokio, Kiyoshi and Toko

Happy new year

Hawaiian Isles Tennis (HIT) Website...

Those of you at the courts this morning were lucky to meet the beautiful Leilani Magee. Her website "advancing community through tennis" can be found at and she also features a tennis blog in the Honolulu Advertiser. Aside from being a great tennis player who is extremely active in the community, she is also a excellent journalist! I personally checkout the HIT website almost daily to stay up-to-date with the latest local, keep in touch with some of my tennis buddies, national and international tennis happenings. It's a good site for social networking similar to Facebook where you can make new friends, meet different players, stay abreast of upcoming events and tournaments, join groups and more; it also features some really cool picture albums and some very interesting an informative articles.

Hope you all take advantage and visit her free website....enjoy!

Charles and Keone

1ゲーム取って相手のサーブになりレシーブを待っている Charles and Keone ペアです。1ゲーム取ったのでサービスボールを待つ二人に余裕がありますね。これだけリラックスして待たれるとサービス側は、チョッピリ緊張します。相手にプレッシャーを与えるためにもこの二人のようにリラックスした形で待ちたいものです。この後 Keone が鋭いリターンを返しポイントを取りました。

Anybody are interested in Vienna Philharmonic New Year's Concert?

The Vienna Philharmonic New Year's Concert 2010 will be conducted for the second time by the French conductor Georges Pretre.
Due to the television and radio brocasts in more than 70 countries, the New Year's Concert is in terms of its international coverage the largest classical music event in the world. In view of the tradition of the New Year's concert, which began during the second World War, the Vienna philharmonic performs the concert even today not only as a presentation of viennes musical culture at the highest level, but also to send the world a New Year's greeting in the spirit of hope,friendship,and peace.

I have many Vienna Philharmonic New Year's Concert DVD collection conducted by each year.. Herbert von Karajan(1987), Claudio Abbado(1991), Carlos Kleiber(1989&1992),Seiji Ozawa(2002), Nikolaus Harnoncourt(2003), Ricardo Muti(2004), Lorin Maazel(2005), Mariss Jansons(2006), Zubin Meta(2007), Georges Pretre(2008), Daniel Barenboim(2009).
If anybody want to borrow, I will lend to them.


We honor Yutaka-san with a perfect-posting prize.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Boston Charlie is wearing Boston Red Sox Shirt.

He looks 10 years younger than his real age.

The Most Comments in This Year. 20 comments

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Korean Ben. 祝お誕生日

お誕生日おめでとうございます。 祝お誕生日, 益々のご活躍をお祈りいたします。
We all wish your happiness and successful aging. Thank you for this blog.
He is going to visit Korea from next Monday until the middle of December to make a dance??

Esther's son Michael and her daughter-in-low Emily.

This picture is took during their Europe honey moon trip.
They live in Ko Olina. Michael is lawyer as his father, Filipino Emily is publisher.

Tom's Treasure

Happy Tom (89) Successful Aging

Tom is one of the most popular person in KP.

Ken Fearing with his daughter Dr.Marsha Browing.

They are dressed in military uniform; Ken lieutenant colonel and Marsha lieutenant.
This picture is took 2000 year in the San Antonio TX.
Ken retired mathematics professor from Iowa University. Marsha works as expert neo ratalogist at Havard University.

Bruce & Marina Wyatt couple came from Westbank, BC Canada.

They can stay here until the end of Feb. They are both good tennis players. Bruce is also a good golfer. He has gone back and forth from Hawaii to BC almost 50 times.



Chizuko and Meg

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Joe from Canada and Keone from Gateway


Thank you,Hiro!
My hasband used to play a little "将棋”long time ago.
he's remembering how to move it.

Hiromi and Chako at Osaka, Japan.

To: Chako

B.Charles sent Yutaka-san Calendar by mail today.


早起きプレーヤー Charles と Tom メンバーが揃ったのでウォーミングアップをしようと準備をしている所です。この時間は、6時30分です。ほぼ毎日6時15分頃には、プレーヤーが集まり始め30分前に4人揃います。ウォーミングアップをしゲーム開始になり7時10分過ぎナイターのライトが消える合図のブザーが鳴り響きライトが消えてダイヤモンドヘッドからの新鮮な朝日を浴び熱いゲームが続きます。

Syono-san biography (2) Successful Aging.

(丹羽 一夫:シニアライフアドバイザー)
















Monday, December 28, 2009

Picture From Hanazono-san in 1988, 21 years ago.

New net belt

Keith, Yutaka-san and so on fixed the net.


カピオラニ・テニスコート脇で白熱の名人戦が行われていました。Tokio Vs Hiro 二人が真剣にテー
微動だにしません。名人戦風景でよく見る形で二人とも盤上の戦いを続けていました。この勝負がつ くには、数時間必要なので邪魔をしないよう引き揚げました。若干 Tokio 優勢でしたがその後どうな ったか?です。

B. Charles NEWS

Boyfriend pillow for Japan singles
Junko Suzuki demonstrates how she sleeps with a Boyfriend's Arm Pillow. 29/09/04
Ms Suzuki says the pillow has other advantages
Japan's single women are being offered the ultimate sleeping partner - a comfort to cuddle up to, but one which does not snore or make demands.

The Boyfriend's Arm Pillow, shaped like a man's torso with one sturdy arm, has been on sale since December and has so far been snapped up by 1,000 singles.

Manufacturer Kameo said the pillow's shape also keeps the body balanced.

One woman, Junko Suzuki, told AP: "It makes me relaxed... I can hold the arm and feel something warm at my side".

The pillow is only available in Japan, where it costs about 8,500 Yen (£40, $80), and is available in blue, pink or green.

Ms Suzuki, who is separated from her husband, says the pillow has other advantages.

"It keeps holding me all the way through. I think this is great because this does not betray me," she told AP.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Walter from Switzerland

Yutaka-san, Perfect Posting Person to this Blog, Go Back to Japan Today

Thak you for everything, Yutaka-san. He is a one who never missed a day in this blog. Today, he is supposed to go back to Japan. But he has already posted to this blog early morning and went to Honolulu air port. How consistent!! For Tennis, it is very important, too.


Sachi , Steve , David 熱戦を終えてベンチでコーヒーを飲みながら一休みしています。ゲームの余韻を残しながらコーヒーを飲み現在進行中のゲームを見てイメージを重ね合わせて眺めています。このボールならこのコースに等々ゲームを見ながらシュミレーションすることでいいイメージトレーニングになります。

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hanazono-san and Hikaru

Bad Knee, Doi.

They are all tennis family from Canada.

From left : Samantha's father, mother, brother, Samantha, her boyfriend.
Samantha's parent and brother came from Winnipeg Manitoba and Samasntha with her boyfriend from Ontario Toronto.

Shinohara Nemoto Shimizu from Hitachinaka Ibaragi

Xmas シーズンになると茨城県ひたちなか市からカピオラニコートに現れる 左から篠原さん,根本さん,清水さん 色々なショットが飛び交い1ポイント取るのに10本を越えるラリーが必要です。コートの全ての面を使いよく体勢を確認してボールを返さないと鋭いボールが返って来ます。20年を越えてハワイに来ている早起きプレーヤーです。

Welcome back KP Keizo & Reiko Totsugi couple.

They feel very happy because they can enjoy playing tennis till Feb 12 in the KP.
Now Japan, weather is very cold so they can not play tennis out door.

Kihara Jin-san Family from Nagoya, Japan

Ayano and Hikaru.

Syono-san biography (1)








    そしてその証として「自分史(的なもの?)」を作ろうと思い立った。安居 祥策 氏(元、帝人社長、現、日本政策金融公庫総裁)が“私の履歴書(日経新聞09,10,31付け)に掲載した中の一文を紹介する・・・『人の値打ちは社会的地位とは別だと考えている。お前は社長や総裁になったから、そんなことが云えるのだと思う方もいるかもしれない。だが私は社長にならなかったとしても悔いはなかったと思う。これまでに多くの立派な人たちに出会ってきた。しかし、良いところは学んでも生き方までそっくり、お手本にすることはなかった。一生勉強だが、それは人と同じことをするためではない。これからは「自分はこう思う」「こうしたい」と云う自分なりの生き方を競う時代である』


Friday, December 25, 2009

Xmas Day のテニスコート

Xmas Day 6時頃から久し振りの雨に濡れたコートを整備して最初にプレーした Keith,Yutaka VS Charles,Johji 4人組6-3で Keith,Yutaka Win 。Xmas休暇に入り色々な国からプレーヤーが登

Look at Esther's Shirt.

Merry Christmas.

Nice T-shirt.

Hirata-san from Yamaguchi, Japan

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ben is eating Ruth made Cake. Good!!

Welcome back to KP Reiko!!

Big Steve sent to us Christmas message from Chile.

Hola everyone at Kapiolani, I am touring Chile and Argentina over Christmas and New Years. Now I am in Pucon, Chile at 39 degrees S.Lat & 71 degrees W.Long.
Enjoying the hiking, fishing(trout), and the hot springs. In the next few days will take a bus over the Andes into Argentina and visit a small town called San Martin de los Andes. Have been in Chile last 2 weeks and have one more week to go before I fly home to Denver. Take care everyone, looking forward to returning in Feb. Until then "Feliz Navidady Foliz Ano Nuevo" or Merry Christmas and Happy New year.
Big Steve or in Spanish "Esteban Grande"

Moe & Yuriko

Moe と Yuriko が並んで座っているので写真を撮ろうと言うと Moe は、これ以上無い笑顔でポーズをしました。 Moe は、ここ一年体調を見ながら月に数回プレーしそれ以外は、ベンチに座り皆のプレーを見て楽しんでいます。ベンチの隣に女性が座るとニコニコ顔が一層ニコニコになります。女性プレーヤーの皆さん Moe の隣の席が空いている時必ず隣に座りましょう。


I wish all KP players merry and happy Christmas !

From Hokkaido in Japan.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hanazono and Hiromi at KP in 1989


Tom, Keith, and Ruth brought Coffee, Cakes and Cookies for KP tennis players.

Takano-san and Ogawa-san from Toride, Ibaragi,Japan

Hiroya and Kyouko Matsushita from Setagaya, Japan

Wind: NE wind, Not Humid.
Where: Court #1 at KPTC
What time: 8:30AM
Players: Walter, Chang, Hiroya and Kyouko