Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Large Swells in Hawaii

This past week, large surf hit Oahu's North Shore. In this photo, it's Yutaka on the left and Boston Charlie on the right.  ;)  

Check out this video link of the recent surf meet about 5 days ago at Waimea Bay:  https://www.facebook.com/WSL/videos/10153468496877058/?hc_location=ufi


  1. Thank You Curt . Good Phot !!

    1. Hi Yutaka-san! Sorry--this one is not my photo. But, I did want everyone to see some of the big surf last week. There were about 25,000 people who reportedly came out to Waimea Bay to watch the surf meet. That's a lot of people! https://www.facebook.com/WSL/videos/10153468496877058/?hc_location=ufi
