Monday, November 30, 2015

This Past Weekend, These Two Celebrated their Birthdays

Happy Birthday, Shirley!

Happy Birthday, Chizuko!




Nancy & Tom returned to their Kapahulu home from San Diego and enjoy playing tennis and golf in the Aloha state.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Congratulations Breeda!

Hooray!!! As of Monday, November 30, Breeda retires as a project manager with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. She joins husband, David, as a retiree and looks forward to living happily ever after. They currently reside in Maryland and plan to visit Hawaii on Janurary 1.



Saturday, November 28, 2015

We Love Weekend Tennis!

Sit up, Ozzie!  :)  From the left, it's Ozzie, Charlie, Sandy, Irv, and Ozzie/Sandy's son-in-law, Vegen.



Pauline is visiting from Victoria BC Canada.

Happy birthday Shirley and Chizuko (Nov 28)!

Friday, November 27, 2015


サーブで有利になろうと Steve 狙いを付けてセンターに速いサーブを打ちました。ペアの Bob サーブ・ボールが入る位置を見ながら相手のリターンに対応しようとしています。コースを狙ったサーブが入ると相手からのリターンが甘くなりポイントに繋がります。

Wakaba tennis club member are enjoying play tennis at Kapiolani tennis court, they came from Wakayama(near Osaka).

Kimura(center blue T- Shirt) is captin

Naoki & Oki couple are first visiting to KPTC from Fukuoka, they will stay here for one week, Aloha!

Happy birthday coffee Alan (Nov 27)!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

In this photo, the pilgrim (Carolyn) and the Indian girl (Jami) have their hatchets ready. The poor turkey; he doesn't know what's about to happen. I wonder what they'll chop off first?

(photo provided by Jami)



Happy tennis family: Ozzie, his wife Sandy, daughter Tracy, son-in- law V and granddaughter Alina.

Ed & Diana, Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving! Ed (Nov 26) & Diana (Nov 27)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Bye Bye Birthday Babes

Yesterday, Ed and Diana returned back to Sacramento to spend the holidays with their families and friends. They'll return back to the islands on January 1 to give tennis lessons at the Kapiolani courts. Sign up now for the early bird surcharges.  ;)

Also in the next few days, they both will be celebrating their birthdays. From all of us, Happy Birthday, Ed and Diana!

Bob came back to his Waikiki condo from Spokane WA and will stay here for 2 weeks.

No Play

久し振りに Susan コートにやってきました。いつも7時前後にコートに現れる Susan ですがこの半年近くポツポツとしかコートに来ていません。テニスの道具を持たないで皆の顔を見にコートにやってきました。次は、ラケットを持ってくるよと言っています。

Tuesday, November 24, 2015



Bruising Singles Action

Weekend after weekend, year after year, Brent and Sung love to beat each other up in singles. For now in this pre-match photo, they're both smiling.  ;)

Sayuri, who lives in Saitama, Japan, enjoys playing tennis and golf during her 2-week vacation in the Aloha state.

Irv returned from Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada and will stay here one week.

Monday, November 23, 2015



Social Time

Here's Ozzie and Charlie having a nice chat at an empty court before the photographer rudely interrupted them...the nerve of that guy!

Happy birthday Hiro (Nov 24)!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Hawaii Was Sunny at One Time

It's been wet and rainy for about the past four days. So, here's a photo from before the rain hit. From the left, it's Jojo, Shibata-san, Es (Curt's brother's wife), and Dr. Gerry.



Saturday, November 21, 2015


コートにやって来た Sachiko 道具を置いて早速準備運動を始めました。体幹をジックリ伸ばすことからストレッチを行い足,膝,腕と筋肉と関節をジワーッと伸ばしていました。ウォーミングアップに入る前ゆったりと体の各部を伸ばしたり動かすことでスムースな体の動きが出来いいプレーに繋がります。

Happy birthday Ben-san (Nov 21) !!