Saturday, November 16, 2013

10 Japanese secrets for your health and successful aging.

1.less meat, more vegetable
2.less salt, more vinegar
3.less sugar, more fruit
4.less eating, more biting
5.less putting cloth, more taking bath or spa
6. less speaking, more doing
7. less for myself, more volunteer
8. less wander, more sleeping
9. less car, more walking
10. less anger, more laugh

11. more tennis, more smile from hiro's advice.

Ben: Show us Korean secrets for our health
Ed and Curt: Do you have same secrets in USA?
Ozzie: Tell us 10 secrets for your bad health, anti-health.

Ben answer : We entirely agree with 日本 健康十訓 almost same idea.
   But I think spiritual things are more important than physical things.
    like be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances.
    Then less stress, stress is foe of health.


  1. I only have one rule: Be Happy.
  2. Ozzie, he absolutely stress free.
  3. Yes, Ozzie will live a long time. He's always happy. I try to make him sad but he has super happy powers. :D

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