Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mike and Ann


ポイントを取ったペアが「やったぞ!!」と二人でお互いのプレーがポイントに結びついたことを確認しお互いのプレーを称えています。二人でゲームの流れを作り思ったようなショットでポイントを取る いい流れのゲームになったことをお互い「ナイスプレー」と声を掛け合うことが次のゲームに繋がります。
Happy birthday Shirley (Apr 29)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Hi Shirley and Susan

They love playing tennis and are long-time players at Kapiolani Park.  If you've got a racquet, they're ready to play.

And, from the Kapiolani Tennis Facebook account regarding this photo of Shirley and Susan:

Bob, Hiro, Mimi, Breeda, Take/Nobu, Yukari, Chizuko, Mikiko, Wayne (Canada), and Nagisa like this.
  • Chizuko:  Hi girls(๑╹◡╹)ノ"
  • Bob:  Hello to Susan and Shirley.
  • Diana:  Hi Susan and Shirley, you both are looking fine
  • Ted: (Canada): Hello stunningly gorgeous ladies!
  • Curt: What nice comments, Chizuko, Bob, Diana, and Ted.
  • Mikiko: Aloha
    Two of ladies looks so good
    I hope to see you soon
    Thank you to show me the nice picture
    Miki from San Diego
  • Curt: Nice comments, Mikiko! We hope to see you in Honolulu soon. Though, San Diego is pretty nice too.
  • Bridgette: Hi to Shirley and Susan.....wish we were there.

  • フラレッスン


    Happy day in Kapiolani

    Nobu is happy to get a new car. Charlie is not happy with no car.

    Nori & Masako gave me the red-carpet treatment during visit to Kyoto city.
    No 1 pictur : their home.  No 2: their restaurant.

    Ryan cut Nobu and Take's hair. They are excellent, Nobu and Take.

    Sunday, April 28, 2013



    Which is the true yokozuna of Kapiolani?

    Saturday, April 27, 2013

    Our Good Friend, Nobu

    Yes, this is our good friend, Nobu.  He likes to have fun and will soon return back to Japan with Take.  Aloha, Nobu and Take.  It was good seeing you again.


    ザーとやってきたシャワーでコートに雨水が溜まりました。プレーしているメンバーでロッカーからスポンジローラーを手分けして運び雨の処理を始めました。 Pauline コートの中心から円運動でグルグル回り円を大きくして雨水を外へ外へ押し出して行きます。雨水の処理この円運動が一番効率がいいようです。皆さんチャンスがあればこの円運動をやってみてください。

    Had a great 2 days in Las Vegas. Bridgette got a Royal Flush on video poker only problem it was on the nickel machine.
    いいね! ·  ·  · 昨日 3:04 · 


    Steve and Kagawa

    The last day for tennis in HI

    Sayonara Bye Bye
    Come on! Sandy&Diana

    Friday, April 26, 2013

    Thank Goodness It's Friday (TGIF)!

    Have fun and a great weekend, everyone!



    ランチが第一(A lunch time )−No.3

    Maki lives in Chiba and we play tennis at KP, too. I enjoyed a lunch in a Hou Tree Lanai with her

    Thursday, April 25, 2013

    テニスより食事(A meal is more important than tennis)−No.2

    It is dinner at the steakhouse of Kerbie who is a  DMH tennis player.

    Ben is back



    Ben and his sister are visiting Kauai Island now.

    Wednesday, April 24, 2013



    テニスより食事 Nobu

    I eat at a restaurant of Mathon of the KP player.

    Tuesday, April 23, 2013

    It's Kawai, Meggie, and Wayne

    Smile, Kawai.  He's having a lot of fun playing tennis in Hawaii. He's been destroying his opponents with his big forehand. That's Meggie who is doing stretching exercises with a large yellow rubber band. Unfortunately, there's a little lens flare from the sun over her face. And, that's Wayne on the right. He has a great all-around game with lots of spins, drop shots, and tricks up his sleeve. Recently, he returned home to Winnepeg, Canada. See you again soon, Wayne.

    Laurie and Joe

    Susan and Shirley

    Joe and Curt

    Evaline and Miki

    Ben is back, explaining to Miki how to play tennis