Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tsuneo-san 観戦

Reikoさんと一緒にカピオラニ公園に来た Tsuneoさん 公園内を1時間余りウォーキングをしてテニスコートに着きコート内のベンチに座りゲームを観戦。ゲームの動きをじっくり鋭い目で追いかけ少しづつテニスに興味が出てきています。観戦しながらテニスの面白みが分りその内やって見ようかとなれば大歓迎しますよ!!
Tsuneo-san came to Kapiolani Park together with Reiko and after walking around
the park he sat down on a bench in the court to watch the game. He looked like
getting interested in tennis as he followed the movement of the ball with his keen
eyes. If he decides to begin playing tennis, he is very welcome.