Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Koba-san and Akemi-san made a dolll for Ann

To Ann:

Please pick up Koba and Akemi's present. They have no chance to hand this to you.

Cloud Art

朝日が出て薄いブルーの空が広がりその空をキャンバス代わりに白い雲が思う存分素敵な 絵を描いてくれます。澄み切った空を見上げその空に色々な絵を白い雲が見せてくれます。二度と同じものが現れない素敵な ART です。時々空を見上げて変化する Cloud Art を楽しみにしています。

Gary and Koji

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

午後のひと時 No2


Koji, Gary, Koba and Ozzie laughed and played tennis all the way to a tie breaker

Lost my Sunglasses

I lost my sunglasses on the front court today and wondered if anyone found them. I took them off and put them on the ground at the side when it was raining this morning and I couldn't see though them. Ozzie said he picked them up and put them on the bench this morning. However, when he went there this afternoon they were gone. I will be at Diamond Head early tomorrow but should be at Kapiolani about 8:30 if someone has them.
I also still have a pair of men's sunglasses that I found on one of the front courts a few weeks ago if anyone is missing them, or anyone would like them.

Thanks, Pauline

Koba and Ozzie battle the wind and have a lot of fun

Shirley and Jake at KPTC

Tom just had "lense replacement" in both eyes and he is 89 years old. This guy knows how to stay young

He baked 56 cookies for us. Thanks, Tom.

Water Dance

カピオラニ公園恒例の Water Dance が始まりました。公園の芝生や木々を維持するために毎週月,水,金の朝7時前頃からこの Water Dance が始まります。全てタイマーでセットされたスプリンクラーが時間が来ると一斉に散水し始めます。エリアが決まっており順番に場所を変えながら首を振り振り散水するので油断しているとシャワーの雨が容赦なく体にかかってきます。 Water Dance が始まると歩く方向を良く見て進みましょう。

Akemi and Nori

Koba-san and Akemi-san are supposed to go back Japan tomorrow. Thank you for everything.

Ellen from SF and Luice   

Monday, March 29, 2010

Walk & Run

カピオラニ公園クイーンカピオラニ像スタート・ゴールで5Kの Walk & Run レースがありました。Walk & Run 何だろうと思いゴール地点でどんな趣旨のレースか確認すると健常者とハンデキャップのある人達がペアで 5Kを Walk & Run するというレースだと判りました。健常の方が車椅子を押しながら,杖が必要な方をサポートしながら,歩行器を援助しながら 等々ペアで 5K Walk & Run を楽しんでいました。



Mariko & Akemi

Bob (Oregon) & Sue are showing up their cross necklace.

They are talking about Jesus Christ's crucifix and His resurrection because coming Sunday is Easter.
Sue came to KPTC first time this morning and played two sets.
She lives in Dallas Texas.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

This is our Final Four



Steve's tennis clinic (Advice 16)

Repetition is the chariot of genius.
You can approach learning tennis from the standpoint of placing the emphasis on the technical or you can approach it from the standpoint of lacing the emphasis on repetition. Which better?Evenmore important.The correct answer is repetition.

This is my town in Saitama Prefecture(near Tokyo).

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Can you believe it???? West Virginia University men's basketball team just UPSET #1 Kentucky to advance to next week's FINAL FOUR.....

Coffee Alan & Hiro

Coffee Alan 強いサーブを打ちました。サーブの入る角度を確認しながら Hiro がフォア側にリターンが来るだろうと予測しチョッピリサイドを狭めるように移動しました。ボールの位置により返ってくるコースを予測し半歩でも体を移動させることでリターンボールへの対応に余裕ができますね。 Alan のサービス・フォームいいですね!!

Koba-san is coaching Yamada from Funabashi, Japan.

Friday, March 26, 2010



Len from Waikiki Banyan.

Jake(real name is Hikino Tamotsu 引野 保) with Lilly(tall Charlie's 6 years daughter)

Jake will leave here for his Osaka home on Sunday, but he wants to come back here again in September.
He is a powerful left hand player.
He retired from Panasonic Electronic Company.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bill & Judy

Bill & Judy 早起きプレーヤーです。7時前にこのゲームは始まり熱戦が続きました。Judy のサーブがバック側に入りリターンが甘くなるところ Bill がいいコースにこの後ボレーを決めました。Bill は、レフティー 外に逃げるようなサーブが厳しく打ってきます。Judy のハイバックボレー非常にきれいな高い打点で打ちこみます。ハイバックボレーをほめると爪先立ってクルクル回りながらバレリーナ・ショットなんだと言いました。納得!!

Tall Charles and Lilly

Roger & Kurt came from same place Parks Ville, BC Canada.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Joe from AZ and Bob from OR

Jack from Canada and Elaine

BC Hiro and Spokane Bob win another game

Steve and Keith play early most mornings

Steve's tennis clinic (Advice 11)

The physical part of winning is the easy part. It is the mental battle that is tough. You must consistently concentrate on winning the mental battle.


Ozzie がイベントのメモを持ってきました。Sachi と Reiko ナニナニと覗き込んでいます。カピオラニ・テニスコートでプレーする仲間達と色々なイベントをコートサイド等で行おうと Ozzie,Hiro,Ben (Korean)が企画をしてくれます。色々な人達が入れ代わりながら気持ちよくカピオラニ・コートでプレーできるのも色々なイベントで皆が繋がっているからですね。世話係をしていただく皆さんにいつも感謝しています。

Merry & Elaine said to Sachiko "Sayonara".

Sachiko will go back her Yokosuka home in Japan today.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


TomとSandyのペア 思い通りの展開でショットを決めポイントを取ったので微かに笑みがこぼれ陣形を変えるTomとSandy 思い通りにいいショットが決まりポイントを取ると二人ともいい雰囲気になりますね。その雰囲気を持ったまま次のポイントに移りボールを追うといい余韻が継続し続けてポイントが取れいい流れが出来上がります。こんな感じを大事にしたいですね。

Masa and Takako do battle at KPTC

BC Hiro and Merry take on Diana and Ozzie

BC Hiro and Ozzie Yuk it up

Keith is fixing the roller, Thank you very much!

Do you know when?
On Saturday at 6:15AM.
Nobody is there at that time, because on Weekend, very slow to start playing tennis. Keith likes to work for us when nobody is there.

Sunsational tour

If you're unsure about committing to solar and want to hear from families who've made the commitment, check out the latest sales trend -- the solar open house.

The solar open house is not a home for sale, but rather, a home where the owner showcases energy-efficient features, whether it be a solar water heater or solar photovoltaic (PV) system, to the public.

Companies such as RevoluSun and Sunetric hold the solar open homes every weekend throughout Oahu, with signs pointing the way to the address, just like traditional open houses. Clients volunteer to hold the open house.

It's a way to reach out to potential customers, who can get first-hand information from other clients, according to RevoluSun principal Eric Carlson.

Susan Chandler, a professor and director of the Public Policy Center at the University of Hawaii, has volunteered her home for a solar open house.

In October, Chandler decided to invest $13,000 in a 1.35-kilowatt solar PV system on the rooftop of her 1970s St. Louis Heights home, which has a sweeping view of Diamond Head and Waikiki. It was an additional investment to the solar water heating system she already had in place on top of the garage for the last 15 years.


» Federal: 30 percent for each solar photovoltaic system. Set to expire in 2016.

» State: 35 percent of the cost of equipment and installation of a solar PV system. No set expiration date.

» Hawaii Energy Efficiency Program's solar water heater rebate: $750. For more

» Find your sun


» Available from UH Federal Credit


» Place: 1002 Paako St., Kailua

» When: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday

» Information:


» Place: 1407 Aalapapa Drive, Lanikai

» When: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday


» Place: Park at 792 Mokapu Blvd., Kailua

» When: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 10

» Specials: Lunch, giveaways, Watt Wheels

» Information:

The total cost, when 65 percent of the system's cost are refunded via federal and state tax credits, will be about $4,200.

Six solar PV panels (that convert sunlight to energy) power her five-bedroom home, which sits in the second-highest sun zone level on the island. It's about half of what would be needed to supply all of the home's electricity needs, but Chandler decided to start with six, with the possibility of adding on later.

The solar panels generate an average of about 6.5 kilowatt hours per day. Her electricity bill dropped to $30 a month from about $130.

"It's been fabulous," said Chandler, whose neighbor across the street also decided to install a solar PV system.

Every day, she checks a Web site or the small monitor installed in her home office that tells her exactly how much solar energy has been generated that day.

On the day the Star-Bulletin visited, the system had generated 3.8 kilowatt hours up to that afternoon. Since its installation, the system had generated 912 kilowatt hours and spared 1,551 pounds of carbon emissions from the planet.

"There are several reasons to do this, not just the savings," she said. "Hawaii is so energy dependent when it should be more self-sufficient. Why not take advantage of solar energy when this massive amount of sunlight comes in year-round?"

THE SOLAR PV system has several components -- the panels; an inverter, which converts direct current (DC) power to alternating current (AC) power; mounting equipment; and a connection to the Hawaiian Electric Co. grid.

Storage batteries are optional, but few homes have installed them.

RevoluSun works with each client to discuss the size of their system, which will depend on household energy usage, slope of the roof and sun power zone.

In Kailua's Enchanted Lake neighborhood, Cliff Smith recently held a solar open house in his three-bedroom house, which features a solar attic fan, solar water heater and a 2.76-kilowatt solar PV system.

Smith recently had RevoluSun install the solar PV system on the rooftop over his upper-floor lanai. Already, he'd had a solar water heater, solar attic fan and insulation in his roof to conserve energy.

The total cost for the system was about $23,000, but with federal and state tax rebates, his final bill would amount to about $8,300.

The solar PV system is enough to power Smith's entire home, as well as produce excess electricity. His average electricity bill went from about $70 to $20. Through net metering, Smith receives credit when his system produces more power than the home uses.

The best-case scenario is when it goes down to the basic fee of $18.07 per month, which is HECO's minimum charge for anyone on its grid.

"To me, it's a no-brainer," said Smith, a semi-retired botany professor who defines himself as a conservationist. "It also cuts down the oil being consumed. This country has become so dependent on foreign countries for oil."

Yet Smith said he expects electricity and fuel costs to keep going up in the future. By installing the solar PV system, he said he'll be able to control those costs for the next 25 years, the length of the solar system's warranty.

With savings from his electric bill, Smith says he's going to buy an electric car.

ALTHOUGH INTEREST in solar-powered homes is growing, only 1 percent of homes on Oahu are estimated to have a solar PV system, according to Mark Duda, president of the Hawaii Solar Energy Association.

Approximately one in four homes, or 25 percent, have a solar water heater installed.

One of the hurdles for most homeowners is the upfront cost. Compared to the average cost of a solar water heater, which can cost up to $6,250 before tax credit and rebates, the average cost of a solar PV system can range from $25,000 to $50,000 or more.

Scanning the Enchanted Lake neighborhood from above, Carlson pointed out how few solar PV systems can be spotted on homes' rooftops.

And right now, Carlson said, "it's easier to get money for a car loan."

But as the industry matures, Carlson believes more financial tools will become available for solar investments. Homes on the leeward side, such as Makakilo, which is in the highest sun zone, would benefit the most from the technology, he said.

Some financial institutions, including the University of Hawaii Credit Union, now offer a "green loan" for energy efficient investments, including solar water and solar PV systems.

The Blue Planet Foundation is advocating for a new program called PACE, which stands for Property Assessed Clean Energy, which would make bond financing available to homeowners who repay it over time through property tax bills. PACE programs have been launched in California cities, including Berkeley, Sonoma and San Francisco.

A solar PV system takes six to eight years to pay for itself, depending on factors such as size, geographic location and household energy use, Carlson said.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dr. Jerry and his new toy ( Harley)

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Steve's Advice12

Cardio Shape:

It is very important, besides playing tennis. From the viewpoint of this, Steve is running around KP during playing tennis, and I am riding a bicycle to access to KPTC. Yutaka and Kiyoshi also are running. Tom (90) said, "The balance between body and leg is the key of successful aging." Look at Tom (90), Chang(90), Charles O.(91) They all have good balance shape between body and leg. Average people have big fat body and small weak legs. IT IS Imbalance. For that balance, Cardio shape; running is the best.

CARDIOとは有酸素運動のことです。 筋肉を鍛えるよりも、体脂肪を燃焼することが目的の比較的軽い運動です。

Ryan and Arvid seem to be getting dressed after a tough match

Suzan poses and Steve still sits nearby

Kojima and Moe

Jamie poses while Steve sits nearby

Tennis or Surf

Surfing anyone?

These kids are surfing right in front of Kapiolani tennis courts.

We have both of the best sports on same turf.


ゲームが終わり次の組へ入れ換わり HiroとSachikoがペアを組むのでHiroがヨォーシと気合を入れてジャンバーを脱いでいます。ウォーミングアップをし体を温めゲームに入って行く 体も気持ちもゲームをするんだと思うことで思うように体が動きいいショットも出てきます。出番が来ると頭も体もゲームに没頭しましょう!!

Mariko, Charles and Jack