Monday, November 30, 2009

Park closed 0-5AM

The sooner city and state government officials, community and faith leaders and the general public confront that fact, the sooner a workable solution that serves all interests can be forged.

While the city is correct to clear homeless "campers" from an oceanside stretch of Kapiolani Park that has become increasingly inhospitable to tourists and other Oahu residents, doing so does not address the root causes of the problem. It simply relocates the population, just as earlier sweeps of Ala Moana Beach Park spurred the homeless people farther east into Waikiki and the heart of Hawaii's economic engine.

Mayor Mufi Hannemann is correct in his assessment that those occupying Kapiolani Park and other public spaces are not forced there by a lack of shelter space. There are beds available on Oahu. The Institute for Human Services alone says it could accommodate about 50 more men and 40 more women at its shelters in Iwilei every night.

It seems the desperate individuals so visible on the streets and in the parks mainly represent a small but growing subset of the overall homeless population: chronic street people who resist shelters and may be mentally ill, drug addicted or otherwise impaired.


12月になるとこんな風に角を生やしたトナカイ犬が色々な場所に現れます。これは、インフォメーション向かいスターバックスの前でいい顔をしていたトナカイ犬を撮りました。ハロウイン,サンクスギビング と続いてきた後最大のイベントXmasに向けて色々盛り上げる中でこのトナカイ犬が出現してきます。今年のXmas皆で盛り上がって世界の景気回復に力を貸しましょう!!

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If you have mistakes or are unsatisfied with your comment , you can delete it . So please do not hesitate to make a comment.

From Steve Teraoka

Thank you for keeping me up to date on happenings at Kapiolani Park Tennis. I think of you guys often and wish I could be there to play tennis with you.

Wish Alan a happy birthday for me.

All the best for a fabulous Holiday Season from San Francisco.

Best regards,


Tents between road and park

Alan and Steve from SF

Steve, lawyer of labor, has another house in Kaneohe, too. So he visits HI very often.

Thank for the nice birthday lunch, Meggie and Curtis

Dim-Sum at Empress in China Culture Center 2F

Sunday, November 29, 2009



Doi has knee problem now.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


No1コート海側からNo2コート方面を見てあまりにきれいな景色なので思わずシャッターを押しました。雲のない青い空 チョッピリ風になびくヤシの木々 きれいに手入れされた芝生 と大満足の天候です。こんな素敵な環境で毎日テニスができるなんてなんと幸せなことだろうと大満足です。いい景色と良い仲間とテニスができるために健康が一番ですね。

Ichiro and Reiko went back to Japan Today.

B. Charles News

Tiger Woods did not suffer facial lacerations from a car accident. They were inflicted by his wife, Elin Nordegren -- according to a conversation Woods had Friday after the accident.

Tiger Woods

Tiger has yet to be formally interviewed by the Florida Highway Patrol -- that should happen this afternoon. But we're told Tiger had a conversation Friday -- with a non-law enforcement type -- detailing what went down before his Escalade hit a fire hydrant.

We're told he said his wife had confronted him about reports that he was seeing another woman. The argument got heated and, according to our source, she scratched his face up. We're told it was then Woods beat a hasty retreat for his SUV -- but according to our source, Woods says his wife followed behind with a golf club. As Tiger drove away, she struck the vehicle several times with the club.

Tiger WoodsWe're told Woods became "distracted," thought the vehicle was stopped, and looked to see what had happened. At that point the SU! V hit th e fire hydrant and then hit a tree.

We're also told Woods had said during the conversation Friday he had been taking prescription pain medication for an injury, which could explain why he seemed somewhat out of it at the scene.

More Tiger Woods

Happy Birthday, both. Shirley and her daughter Linda

Mother and daughter are Same Birthday.

Happy Birthday, Chizuko.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Keone said, "TRUST ME."



Happy Birthday, Coffee Alan

Annie, Shaopan and Marie-Eve Tsai at DHTC

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sada from Saitama and Michi Yano from Yokohama, Japan

From Joe about Thanks Giving

Turkey Trivia Quiz

How much do you know about the turkey? Take Aristotle's Turkey Trivia Quiz and find out!

Joe: Put the answers in the comment

  1. When was the first Thanksgiving celebration?

  2. Where was the turkey first domesticated?
    Mexico and Central America
    New Zealand

  3. What is a female turkey called?
    a rooster
    a cuckoo
    a chick
    a hen

  4. What is a male turkey called?
    a larry
    a clark
    a harry
    a tom

  5. What great American statesman lobbied to make the turkey the national symbol?
    Benjamin Franklin
    Thomas Jefferson
    John Adams
    Andrew Jackson

  6. What sound does a female turkey make?

  7. What sound does a male turkey make?

  8. About how many feathers does a mature turkey have?

  9. Which state produces the most turkeys annually?

  10. How fast can wild turkeys run?
    5 mph
    15 mph
    25 mph
    45 mph

  11. How does Arkansas rank among the other states in turkey production?

  12. What Native American tribe celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the colonists?
    the Wampanoag tribe
    the Sioux tribe
    the Choctaw tribe
    the Arapaho tribe

  13. Can wild turkeys fly? If so, how fast?
    Yes, up to 25 mph
    Yes, up to 40 mph
    Yes, up to 55 mph

  14. Approximately what percentage of American homes eats turkey on Thanksgiving?

  15. Approximately what percentage of American homes eats turkey on Christmas?

  16. What is the name of the skin that hangs from a turkey's neck?

  17. Which U.S. president specified that Thanksgiving would fall on the last Thursday of November?
    Martin Van Buren
    Andrew Jackson
    William H. Taft
    Abraham Lincoln

Report from Japan

I had a short trip to Gifu and Ishikawa prefecture.

← Shirakawa-Gou is one of the world cultural inheritances. It is the village that the people are still living in the old Japanese style houses (Gasshou-tukuri 合掌作り). And visitors can come into some of the houses and watch inside.

←Kenroku-en is one of Japanese style gardens in Kanazawa-city. They have many beautifully shaped trees.


アラモアナSCを過ぎてワードの方向に進み Queen St の向かいにアラモアナ・テニスコートがあります。山側5面,海側5面 どちらにも壁打ちコートがあります。この写真は、午後のテニスコート海側でテニスレッスンをしている時間帯でした。海側は、ハードヒッターが集まり山側は、多彩なメンバーが集まっています。カピオラニと同じ要領でベンチで待つとゲームメンバーに入れてくれます。コートが多いので待ち人の少ないコートに行けば早くゲームに入れます。一度トライしてみて下さい。

Mano and Danielle

Peter(82) and Charles O.(90)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Harry and Misako Fagerquist from KY

Fight the Flue



cannot wait to play tennis

will be arriving on new years eve...looking forward to the fireworks to start off the new year....cannot wait to get back on the courts to play some tennis


The Views From Information Booth

Volunteers from KPTC
Chief: Tall Charles
B. Charles, John H. Rich, Ozzie, Joyce, Sandy, Nick, Yoshi, Sachiko, Hiro, Wendy, and so on.

Visitors from KPTC:
Ann, Tom, Yutaka-san, Joe, Doi, Teddy, Luice, Ichiro, Reiko, and so on.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

KP Information Booth; Nice Photo, Joe

Pacific Beach Hotel Restrant

Joe's daughters from WV

You are invited to view joe's photo album: KeriKeli in Waikiki 11 24 09 Jimmy Buffet and Pac Beach

KeriKeli in Waikiki 11 24 09 Jimmy Buffet and Pac Beach
Nov 24, 2009
by joe


テニスが終わり熱いゲームの余韻を含んで芝生の上をゆっくり歩いてきて目の前に広がってゆくワイキキの景色をこうして眺められる ここまで来ると「いい気持ちだなぁ」と口をついて出てきます。テニスを楽しんで一日が始まり気持ちよく動かした体をゆったりと揺すって歩きクールダウンしながらいい景色を眺め今日も良い一日の始まりを感じています。

☆おめでとうございます☆Happy Birthday



Monday, November 23, 2009


We all wish you a very happy birthday Hiro, our Number One Blogman. I don't know how to give you flowers, but you deserve them. Kapiolani is so lucky to have you at our courts, you are always so cheerful and courteous to everyone, a joy to be around and so much fun to have on the tennis court.
May you live and long and happy life.
Posted by Picasa


シャワーがあってもカピオラニのテニスプレーヤーは、皆テニスコートに集まって きます。No1コート脇のロッカーからスポンジロールを持ってコートに入り濡れた コートをローラーで整備します。ドンドン整備するメンバーが集まってきて雨水の 処理をするのでアット言う間にコートの雨水がなくなりプレーが始まります。皆で 楽しそうにコート整備をしますよね!!

Keone works at tennis court.

As he is the manager of Waikiki Gateway Hotel, he receive some calls from hotel while he is playing tennis. So he has to work in the tennis court, too. 日本ではマネージャーがテニスしているのは許されないかもしれませんが、米国ではこれが当たり前です。日本のマネージャーも働く時は一生懸命働き休む時はしっかり休みましょう。それと明確なビィジョンを持ちましょう。

From Shono-san

・・・講演会、ハワイ40日間単身生活、消費者関連団体・熊本県人会・NPO等の活動、 特約店・販売店さんとの交流、会社OBとの懇親、中学・高校同級生との付き合い、等
 名古屋:庄野 泰輔、良子
  1、生い立ち (1)プロフィール (2)振り返れば・・・ (3)学生生活 (4)時代を振り返る
  1、家族生活について (1)結婚生活 (2)家族の思い出 (3)家庭観
  2、夫婦について (1)夫婦とは (2)夫とは (3)妻とは
  3、子供について (1)親心 (2)子心
  1、会社とは (1)就職観(2)社歴・職歴 (3)会社時代 (4)上司とは
   (1)単身赴任 (2)ビジネススタイル (3)失敗談 (4)稼ぐとは (5)サラリーマン悲喜こもごも
  3、男とは (1)男の中味 (2)いい男の作り方
  4、女とは (1)女の中味 (2)いい女の作り方
  1、生き方について (1)心の持ち方
    (1)私のライフスタイルの考え方 (2)定年前 (3)退職金について 
    (4)定年後 (5)熟年夫婦のあり方
  3、健康について (1)病いは気から (2)ストレス対策 (3)認知症 (4)老いと長寿 (5)嗜好品  
  4、楽しむこと (1)これからの楽しみ (2)好きか嫌いか (3)付き合い (4)ふる里 (5)スポーツ

    (6)旅行 (7)料理&グルメ ()音楽&映画 (9)読書 (10)講師業 (11)読むクスリ

5、夢・目標について (1)ライフスタイル (2)夢・目標


Tom (89) and Moe (85)

They, a legend tennis pair 10 years ago at Hawaiian league, made a partner again in KP tennis court last Friday. They are still good, nice pair.

Sunday, November 22, 2009



look at his cane

Dunn from North Shore Haleiwa

It takes 1hr from North Shore to KP. He used to come here every day before and play tennis.

Pauline from England and Ben from Korea

Both are great contributors of this blog. Thanks.

B. Charles News

Japanese language students are needed to fill 150 volunteer translator positions for the 37th Honolulu Marathon. which will take place Dec. 13.

Translators work closely with doctors and nurses in helping Japanese runners at medical stations on the 26.2-mile course.

Last year more than 14,400 runners from Japan took part in the Marathon. This year 14,500 to 15,000 Japanese runners are expected.

To get more information call Michelle Hashimoto at 741-5854

Bud from MA and Jack

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Restrooms Closed

