Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fukushima Nuclear Plants Now and Future:地震発生から1週間 福島原発事故の現状と今後(大前研一ライブ579)

This video introduced you the present situation and solution of Fukushima Nuclear Plants. Furthermore, this video was posted on 3/19th, when was 2weeks ago. You could understand now it was very accurate. The US Stock market was moved by Fukushims NP from 3/14 to 3/25. So you should have studied Japanese and watched it 2 weeks ago.


  1. I was surprised that it posted 2 weeks ago. He is an expert of NP.

  2. 3月19日の時点で,これだけの内容を語れるとは,大前研一氏の分析の鋭さは流石ですね。
